Chapter - 40

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Hey my dear folks. I want to request you all to have patience with me after reading this chapter. There is more to this story behind what is shown in this chapter. 

Why is he ringing the doorbell? He has got a set of keys and he could simply unlock the door. Maybe he is trying to freak me out like the other time. One day when I was staying in his house, someone rang the doorbell, but when I got the door there was no one outside. Then suddenly he came out of nowhere with a stupid mask on his face and tried to scare me away. I first got scared, but later laughed it off. Perhaps, he got an even better trick to scare me this time. I eagerly opened the door, after fixing my hair and saree, as I did not want to look like a crazy bitch who ran a mile in her saree, only to come face to face with two persons!

Wait, what are they doing here and where is he? Aren't they supposed to be somewhere else? The smile on my face faltered when I did not find Ajju behind them. I stood on my tiptoes and looked for him near the gate or in the garden, but he was nowhere to be seen. What is he doing in that so called meeting without even thinking about me? He promised me once that he will be there for me every time, I need him or think about him, but he sure as hell has forgotten about it. I am not going to talk to him for at least a week. Idiot, always trying to keep me on edge.

"Hey Harish, Hey Robert. Get in", I invited them in. but they stood rooted to their places. I had to snap my fingers at them to get them to look at me. "Guys get inside", I told them a bit louder and they scrambled in behind me. That was when I noticed Varun too. What are these three doing here leaving all the girls at the diner? "What are you guys doing here?" I asked them, but none of them answered. "Rob why are you all here leaving all the girls alone?", my anxiousness took over me as I asked him this and I automatically started wringing my fingers.

"Rob, answer me please", I held on to his arm and pleaded with him. "They are on their way here", it was Varu who answered me. It is impossible for Rob to stay quiet for two minutes, but here he is not responding even when being questioned. "Why?", my voice became low, due to my nerves. They were looking at the floor, as if it were the most beautiful thing to appear on earth and avoided looking at me. I felt my head become heavy and a massive head ache had already started forming in the back of my head. I could feel a drop of sweat gliding down from my forehead to my neck making me even more anxious.

The atmosphere in the room is so heavy that I had struggle breathing. The vibe they are spreading is not doing anything to calm me, instead it is pressing me down. Rob just took a deep breath while Hari closed his eyes shut as if answering my questions physically hurt him. Varun was standing near the couch like a statue. Why are they behaving like this? "Guys will anyone of you answer me?", I yelled at them. But none of them even moved a muscle. What happened to all of them? Why are they standing there with grim faces? and Hari was even clenching and unclenching his fists.

They are not their usual self. Their shoulders are stiff and their lips are set in a thin straight line, as if they are sealing their lips to stop them from making a sound. I could feel my heart beat rise and I know something is wrong. Their posture itself screams wrong. I opened my mouth to ask them what is wrong, but Rob beat me to it, "Sana will you come with us?", he asked me in a small voice, like he is afraid of my answer. "Where?", I managed to croak out, but he refused to answer me. Instead, he looked at Varun and Harish. They all shared an eye contact and I saw Harish slightly shaking his head in a no.

What happened to all of them? They were alright when I talked to them a while ago, right. Then why now they are behaving like they have got punches in their gut and are trying to smile through it? Shit, everything became clear when I thought about the phone call. Arjun, me worrying and them reassuring me. "Guys where is Arjun?", I asked them, as I felt fear slowly creeping into me as I thought of all the things that might have happened to him. Rob became still, while Varun tried very hard to control his tears and Harish was standing there with a deep frown and clenched jaw. Why are they not answering me?

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