Chapter - 27

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"It was all my mistake. I...sho..uld have stayed with her", someone was whispering in a sad voice and I heard a few sniffles followed by a hiccup. What is happening and who is crying? Why the hell can't I see anything? It is like someone is forcing me not to open my eyes and a heavy weight is pressed against me choking me to death. I desperately tried to free myself from the grip, but I could not even move a muscle. Everything I was feeling or trying was done only by my brain, not by my body. I feel like I have been separated from my body and my mind is trying its best to get me back with my numbed body.

That was when my mind started replaying the events that happened with Akhilesh, but when did that happen? He was trying to kidnap me. The last thing I remember was someone slapping me hard and I fell with a loud thud on the ground. What happened after that? Where am I now? I should get up from this damn sleep of mine. But why can't I open my eyes? It is like someone put fevicol into my eyes and it is completely glued. I should get up, I chanted this repeatedly in my head and tried to move my weak muscles.

That was when I felt someone tapping me on my left cheek, and I slowly opened my eyes to see the light directly hitting my eyes. I closed it and opened it after sometime, and let it adjust to the 'new-found light'. I saw Anika looking at me with worry evident in her eyes and on the other side was Shreya looking at me with a mini pool replaced for her eyes. What happened, why is she crying? Beside her stood, Raksha with a neutral face.

"Sana are you okay?", Ani asked me in a low voice. I could not open my mouth to answer her, so I just nodded my head at her and looked at her. "I am so sorry, Sana. It is all my mistake", Shrey sniffled and held my hand in hers. I wanted to comfort her, but I could not even find the strength to pat her back when I saw her bending her back and her body was shaking violently. I looked at Raks for help. She put a hand on Shery's back and dragged her outside.

"what...ha..ppene..ed?", I managed to croak out and looked at Anika. "Nothing, you don't have to worry about anything now. Just sleep. Your body needs rest. We will talk about it later" she said and pulled the duvet which I noticed was mine, over me and switched off the bed side lamp of our room. I finally closed my eyes after looking at her sad face for a while, slightly content that I found myself in my room, rather than somewhere else, surrounded by stray dogs, always hungry for people's soul. I heard her calling someone, and informing them that, I have gained consciousness.

I opened my eyes to see the white washed ceiling of my room, and the old fan was creaking in the centre, blowing my disarrayed hair, in every direction possible. I did not see Ani in her side, so I thought she had gone to her classes, when I saw the sun smiling brightly from the slightly opened window. But to my surprise, she came inside while looking at something in her phone and nearly bumped into me, when I was limping towards the bathroom. "Hey, what are you doing?", she enquired me in a worried voice. "I just need to use the bathroom", I said and made my way towards the bathroom. The more I moved the more I felt pain in my right arm and leg.

"Sana, you have hurt your right side, you can't walk. Let me help you", she gently held my left arm and helped me inside the bathroom. I felt so grateful, but I had more urgent matters to handle, than to thank her for her help. So, I entered the bathroom and did my deeds with shaking hands and took a quick shower, all the while, hearing Ani making calls to our friends informing them that I am now awake. I must have scared them, but what I don't understand is how I ended up in my room and most importantly how I escaped his clutches?

I was sitting in front of my three friends, Anika, Shreya and Raksha and looked at them for an answer. The boys are not here as they are not allowed inside the girl's dorm. I was slowly losing my patience and the medicines Ani gave me did nothing to help me reduce my anxiety, I felt so distressed, when I thought about the happenings of yesterday. It looks like they won't open their mouth, any time now, might as well take a small walk. I got up from my bed and tried to stand properly, Ani rushed to my side followed by the other two, "Sana what are you.. are you insane? Sit down first", she urged me to sit back and I sat not because I obeyed her, but because I could not stand.

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