Chapter - 34

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Arjun Speaks:

Hey everyone this is Arjun Srinivas here. I have done so many things, I regret doing today. My whole perspective about life changed when I met this brown-eyed angel who is sitting behind me with a sulking face, now. I did not have any serious aim or vision towards life, until I met her, one fine morning in my college auditorium. Before her, I just went with the flow of life and never turned back. But I want to be better for her, because she deserves the best. If I can't be the best, I can at least try to be.

I know my reckless racing habit had worried my family and also my friends. I also know that it is risky to participate in these races and many of the races I had participated and won were illegal. I did not enter into racing just to show off, I wanted to let my emotions out in one way or the other and I liked having control, be it over my life or a simple metallic non-living object. I wanted to have some sort of control over my life when I felt myself sinking into the darkness.

But when I met her, all the control I had over my heart came crashing down. She turned my world upside down with just one cute look, without even an effort and I was a goner since then. I tried my best to remain unaffected by her presence or her voice, but I could not control myself when I saw her tears and vulnerability. That moron tried to misbehave with her, even after being expelled from the college. I knew it then that I have to be with her for the rest of my life and keep her safe with me. I swore to myself that I would protect her with everything I have and keep her happy, even if it is at the cost of my own life.

The things that I have come to know, recently are not good and I am getting even more suspicious. That bastard had someone, backing him up. He does not have that much courage to kidnap her on his own. She has a very cruel enemy; one she is not even aware of. I don't want her to know anything, but I am definitely going to find out who is behind the kidnapping fiasco and also the one behind the secret investigation too, all without her knowledge.

A few months ago, when I was secretly following her outside the college, I saw a few other men following her and they were even taking pictures of her. I did not know who they were and could not do anything about it at that time. I asked one of my brother's best friends who is also police to look into it and what he said shocked the hell out of me. The guys who were following her are from a dangerous mafia and they were looking for her all this while.

Why would they want to know about her? All my suspicions got confirmed when she was nearly kidnapped by that sick bastard. Since then I have been keeping a close eye on her and asked my brother to appoint secret bodyguards for her, wherever she goes. No one knows about it, not even my friends. If they come to know about it, they would be tensed and she will somehow find out that there is something wrong. I don't want to spoil her peace of mind and I swore on that day, I saw her unconscious on the ground that I will not let anyone touch her.

But now I have an even more serious job at hand, that is to make her smile again. Sulking face does not suit her at all, but her pout is so adorable. She looks like a wounded puppy when she keeps a sad face. I know she is hungry and I have to do something about it now, when she gets hungry, she can be a pain in the arse. I looked at her from the rearview mirror and saw her glaring back at me, hard. Geez, I am SCARED.

"Eyes on the road, mister", she scolded me in an angry voice and folded her hands in front of her chest. She is really hungry. It is time to take her to her favorite place. Ten minutes later I parked my bike outside the place and she hurriedly got down and speed walked inside. She did not even notice her surroundings. Hmm, someone is very angry. I parked my bike and jogged up to her. "Babe please walk slow, my poor legs are hurting", I teased her and in return she turned around and gave me a 'are you crazy' look and continued walking.

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