Chapter - 15

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It has been three hours and still all her cousins and Anika are packed inside a showroom rummaging through the whole store in search of I don't know what. It is like they have transformed themselves into some super G-girl, wandering from section to section, not getting tired at all. I got tired after buying three dresses, so I excused myself and came to a book store in the mall, and I began reading a book that caught my interest when I came here.

I like to mingle in the crowd and be one among many, rather than walking alone. It gives me a feel that no one can watch me, because I like being discrete. This mall is really huge, I can walk here all day, and still I wouldn't be able to visit all the stores. It was not here when I came to Delhi last time, which was almost four years ago.

Rohit and Sid wandered off to some men's store, saying that they have to buy something, but I suspect that they went in search of a girl who caught Rohit's attention. Rob is assisting his fiancé, much to his dismay, If I may add. The book I have in my hand now, is everything a reader could expect. It is emotional, gripping and at the same time sparks your intellect. It is from an Indian female author named Preeti Shenoy. I fell in love with the introduction poem Invictus itself. She is a very influential writer. I can see myself reading her works, curled up in my one-seater, time and again in the future.

I was reading the chapter 'The day something died', when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I was so engrossed in the story that I jumped when I heard Sid's voice. "Di, we were searching for you everywhere. Where is your phone?", he asked me in a frantic voice. "Dear lord muruga, you scared me Sid", I scolded him.

"I scared you? You are the one who scared all of us. Where the hell is your phone di?", he shouted at me. Oh my god, he looks like he might beat the shit out of someone. I searched for my phone like a mad woman and found it in my purse. Geez, I forgot to turn off the silent mode. What? 30 missed calls. He will definitely kill me, guess that someone is going to be me.

"Fantastic, just fantastic. We were calling you for more than twenty minutes, but you put your phone on silent. Why are you so careless di?", he asked me in a chilling angry voice. I just stood there dumbfounded, not knowing what to say to him. It is my fault that I left the store, not even informing them, I should have checked my mobile. Shit, I am an idiot. "Sorry Sid", I murmured in a low voice. In return he just glared at me and took out his mobile and dialed someone. "Hey, she is with me. No need to worry. Yeah, will be there in a minute", he talked to whom I assume as Anika and cut the call. "Come let's go", he beckoned me and I followed him like a lost puppy. On my way I noticed a tall man looking at me, a bit longer than someone looks at a stranger. But I might even be my frantic brain, which runs 100 miles per hour.

When we reached the entrance of the café, the first thing I noticed was a furious Anika coming at me like a hungry lioness, ready to pounce on her prey. "Where the heck did you disappear?", she shouted at me and I flinched and hid behind Sid. Why does this sister-brother duo keep shouting at me for no reason? You don't know, right.

So, I voiced out my thought. "We are shouting at you for no reason? You can go anywhere, not even bothering to at least inform us and not attend any of our calls, and I can't even ask you where you had gone. Fine, if that is called shouting, then I won't shout at you", she said all of this in one breath and went inside, rather angrily. I bit my tongue for blabbering that nonsense, anyhow the damage is already done.

"Di, you really scared us this time. We searched the entire mall for you. That is why honey is angry. Don't worry she will come around.", he said and entered the café. Rob and Rohit came with trays filled with coffee and pastries after a while, and I forwarded a plate with her favorite crème pastry towards Anika, but she ignored me and grabbed a blueberry muffin, which she hates the most. I just gaped at her until Rob exchanged his plate with her. I passed him a small smile, but he too narrowed his eyes at me and started eating. I will have to deal with three angry people.

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