Chapter - 39

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I opened the cupboard to see a package neatly wrapped in a silver paper with a note sticking to it. I took the package and moved to the bed. I opened the note to see a beautiful cursive writing, that can never be misplaced as anyone else's and read it. 'Hey my dear fiancé, I have a gift for you inside. Please get ready in it and let me know how much you like it. I hope you look hot as always in my choice of clothing. I am eagerly waiting to see you in it and later ravish you😉 xoxo. P.S. Try not to miss me, muah. Lots of love, A' I blushed at his cocky words and opened the package to see what has got him all confident and excited.

I teared open the package to see a beautiful royal blue saree with black stone embedded border, neatly folded in it. I have always been fond of sarees, but trying a saree is always time consuming that is why I have always looked at them from afar. The material was so soft under my fingers and I remember wearing a blue dress on our first date, he really loved that color on me. He never forgets anything, not even a small detail, especially about us. That is what I like about him. He always prioritizes me. The attention and love I have been craving for all my life are given by him.

Well, the major problem now is I don't know how to drape a saree perfectly. I have done it for competitions, but with the help of someone else. What am I going to do now? If I were to choose between a saree and a rug, I would happily go for the rug, as saree is as long as the Hebbal Flyover. But I have to at least try for the sake of my lovely fiancé. He has done so much for me, so the least I could do is try draping a saree for him, right. Now, I have to do one thing, that is to not trip in the saree, I could do that, I guess.


My phone rang for the fourth time sometime during my battle with the saree and I had no other option than to pick it up. I did not even see the caller id. "What the hell took you so long? I have been trying to call you for an hour", came a very angry voice. Oh, it has already been an hour! "Are you even listening?", she shouted from the other end and I had to move the phone away from my poor ear to save it from her verbal assault. How my dear old brother bears with her is above me. "Calm down Ani. I was just busy with something", I told her as I could not tell her I was struggling with a saree, she would not only laugh at me but will never let me live through it.

"What exactly were you busy with?", her tone was one of teasing and I swear I heard a lot of hooting in the background. Shit, am I on speaker? My dear friends and their cringe-worthy colorful imagination! "It is not what you think, I am just trying to drape a saree", I quickly corrected her. "Oh, so you are finally trying to wear a saree?", this time it was Gayu, she very well knows how much I loathe wearing a saree, still she chose to pull my leg. "Yes, do you have any problem with it", I snapped at her.

"Woah, woah easy there tigress. I was just asking", she sounded really sad, but I know her more than the back of my hand. "Are you ready Sana?", Shrey's soft voice came from the other side and I somewhat relaxed after hearing her voice. "NO yaar.", I groaned. "But I am almost done, I only have to pleat the pallu, then I am done.", I sounded worried even to my own ears as I put the heavy pallu in its place. "Oh my poor baby, it is a shame that we can't help you. We are already here", Shrey cooed and I just then realized, I was a fool to believe that she could be on my side.

They are on a mission to humiliate me, idiots. "Wait what did you say?", I cut her giggling session and asked. "What?", she sounded genuinely confused. "You are already where?", I voiced out my confusion. "At the diner", she said. That is when it clicked, we were all going to dinner. I smacked my forehead with my right hand, now the drama is about to start. "So you did not want any of us to come with you to your romantic dinner" Rob stated in his fake-hurt voice. God why are they over reacting for something so small. "No I did not know you were coming. If I had known I would have joined you guys as well", I told him in a dejected voice.

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