Chapter - 53

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I opened the 2010 diary and started reading it. He had mentioned about how he spent the whole New Year vacation with his family, specially with his mom as she was so determined to make him let loose before he started his SSLC the first serious level of school life. I skimmed to the middle of the diary and found a few pages with smudged letters here and there. 'Arju looked so broken today at the hospital' he had written. (Karthik called Arjun as Arju and Arjun called him as K)

'I have never seen him look so sad in the whole time I have known him. He did not even cry when he broke his leg trying to do some crazy stunt just to annoy his brother. But today I saw my best friend cry in my shoulder and I could not do anything about it. He kept saying "I want them back K. Bring them back to me. I want Ma to scold me and dad to support me when Ma gets angry. I want to see them smile at me one last time" he clutched my shoulders and looked at me with his sad eyes that reflected how broken he was by his parents death. The worst fact is that I could not do anything to ease his pain. I could not bring his parents back. I could not make my best friend smile, like he would always do whenever I looked sad'

'I cannot even begin to think how it would pain to see your parents die. My dad died when I was a small boy. My mom is my pillar of support and I cannot lose her. I cannot think of a life without her by my side. So I don't know how to console him. He cried and cried for the whole night. He did not even come out to do the last rites for his parents. We had to force him out of his room to take a last look at his parents covered in white cloth. That day he cried so much that it wrenched my heart...'

'After his parents' death he disconnected himself from the entire world and locked himself in his room. He would not even allow anyone to enter his room. The only person he talked to was his brother that too only one word answers when he was asked a question. He did not come to school, I had to practically drag him all the way to school for a whole week. Then he slowly stopped struggling and came to school regularly and became more verbal. Not like the old Arju but he started talking to us and concentrated on his studies. That was some start, but he would not talk about his parents. He would not talk about his pain'

'Today is our tenth grade results. I was so nervous since morning. I skipped breakfast and went to Arju's and together we waited for the results to be published. After a long wait we got to see the results. I scored a 9.6 percent out of 10 and Arju scored a 9.8, the result of all our hard work and late night studies. I was so happy and hugged him to congratulate him. but he did not even smile. He just sat there on his bed, looking at the floor. I asked him what happened. I thought he was not happy with the results. But he said "They would have been so happy today K" he was talking about his parents. He sounded so sad and broken'...

'Today marks the completion of the first month of our high school life. Again Arju and I are in the same class. He is talking more and expressing himself more, not like my old Arju but he is slowly getting there. His parents' death has left a huge scar, but he will bounce back.'

'Today we were outside our chemistry lab and were talking about the upcoming test when we heard an explosion inside the lab. Our teacher made sure everyone left and he himself locked the door. But we heard someone scream from inside followed by another explosion'

'I rushed to get something to open the door while Arju ran to the window to look inside. Jai ran to call the chemistry teacher and Prem ran to the principal office to get help. By the time I was back with an iron rod, Arju had already broken the window. He jumped inside and I rushed to break the lock. I kicked the door open and entered inside covering my nose. There was smoke everywhere and I yelled for Arju.'

'"Over here K" came a voice from the far corner and I followed his voice to see him kneeling beside a girl. He was trying to wake her up. But she looked pale. We tried our best to wake her up but she did not even move a muscle. The smoke was also making it hard to breathe, so we carried her out. Arju carried her while I cleared the way for us. We laid her outside the lab, took deep breaths to fill our lungs with oxygen. By that time the chemistry teacher and principal had gathered outside and they took her to the hospital.'

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