Chapter -37

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I know this voice very well. I have heard it so many times that I would recognize it even if I turned deaf. But how come she is here. I grabbed her hand and pulled her in front of me. She giggled and pinched my cheeks. I scowled and rubbed my cheeks and turned to the direction of her voice, but I felt someone else caress my hair. Who could this be? I am tired of this hide and seek game. First his distant behavior and now this, god. Suddenly, all the lights were turned on and I jumped back in fright, when I heard a chorus of 'Happy Birthday'. There stood everyone, from MM, and Gayu to Aadi bro, Anya, and all my friends, even Rob stood there with Ani, all with a big smile on their faces. "Happy Birthday?"

I don't understand, as per my birth certificate and records, my birthday is three days away and I don't ever celebrate it. Because I somehow knew, it was not the day I was born. I have never told anyone about my birthday, yet here they are shouting at my face with contagious smiles. Back at our home, MM and Gayu tried so much to convince me to celebrate my birthday but I have always declined. The same goes to my friends too.

I have always considered myself as an unwanted person in this world. I am just a burden, who has no one in this world. I hate the day I was brought into this world, and I hate the persons who were responsible for my birth. That is why I don't celebrate my birthday. Birthdays are for people, who have their parents in their life, who will stand beside their children and cut the cake with them, not for some nameless rag who is a living burden in the face of earth. Still here they are, smiling at me so lovingly and forcing me to smile back. I just gave them a small smile and looked at MM for any explanation.

She looked behind me and I followed her gaze to see Ajju standing there with a blank look on his face. He slowly walked towards me and held my cold hands in his and squeezed it gently. I looked up to see a slight hesitation in his eyes, before he cleared his throat. MM and Gayu busied themselves with the other guests while he led me to a table and pulled out a chair for me. I am only a few minutes away from shouting my lungs out in confusion, while he is sitting there with a blank expression. He opened his mouth to speak when I decided he was not going to speak and what he said confused me even more.

"Today is your birthday", he said to me in a slow whisper and slowly lifted his gaze to meet mine. My BIRTHDAY? How the heck did he get to know about it? I myself don't know when and where I was born, then how is it possible for him to know about it. He must have seen the confusion in my eyes as he continued further, "You were born in a small hospital in Kodagu on this day.", his voice was low, but it held a lot of truth, about me. Kodagu, which means I was born in Karnataka? Then how did I end up in Chennai? I don't understand anything, it feels like my head is about to burst with all the new found information. Racking a hand through my hair, I sighed in frustration.

"You were born here, but I don't know how and why you went to Chennai. Give me some time and I will find out everything. But it is your birthday and I want you to be happy today. I wanted to make this day special for you, that is why I arranged a surprise birthday party for you", he spoke all of this in one breath and despite my confused state, I cracked a chuckle. He whipped his head to me so fast to get a bloody whiplash, and looked at me wide eyed. "Do you like it?", he asked me in an uncertain voice, and I sure as hell can bet that he has crossed his fingers under the table.

I looked at him for a good ten minutes and then slowly nodded my head. "I love it", I slowly whispered and watched his face turn into a beautiful smile. As much as I hate celebrating my birthday, I wanted to celebrate it with him, because with him I felt complete, and in him I have found a reason to live. I am so happy to have a person like him beside me and I am glad that I got to celebrate my first ever real birthday with him. "How did you find about my birth?", I voiced out my confusion and his face became serious all of a sudden. Am I missing something?

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