Little red

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( sorry there's some errors in this one ) 

Henry POV 

I packed a picnic basket with sandwiches, bag of chips, some cookies some grapes, and a few bottles of beer " this should be good "I mumbled to myself " by dad I'm headed over to belch and Vic's! " I said as I walked to the front door picnic basket in my hand " Henry put on a coat it's cold " my dad said from his chair I set down the basket and put on a red hoodie " bye dad " I picked up the basket then walked outside closing the door behind me.

" fuck it's freezing " I shivered and put on the hood as I took a short cut through the woods  that's how me and Vic went to visit each other if we didn't want to walk the long way which we usually did but it's cold and about to rain so short cut it is. A snap of a twig startled me I looked back " stupid animals " I growled softly but the growl returned to me " hello? " I asked but got no reply I picked a rock and threw it at the bush the growl came from. 

The growling sound came closer " oh shit " I gripped onto the basket and started to run " shit shit shit shit " I repeated while I heard the crunching of leaves behind me. 

Patrick POV 

A soft growl alerted me which made me growl then a angelic voice said hello I didn't say anything then a rock hit my back fuck that hurt like a bitch I growled louder which scared him. He went running I chased after him and tackled him his has a cute little nose, dirty blonde hair, grey-blue eyes, red hoodie, jeans, and brown boots he looked so adorable I leaned down my face buried in his neck he smelled like cheap beer, cigarettes and honey. 

His body tensed up underneath me I took in his scent " you smell good " I said licking his cheek he blushed " get off you pansy! " he said trying to push me off " why should I? " I asked then I looked at the basket what's this I climbed off of the boy and walked towards the basket. " hey get away from that! " he said turning on his side I opened the basket and pulled out a beer " that's why you smell like cheap beer " I chuckled then moved things around in the basket then looked back at him " aww are you going to have a picnic that's adorable " I noticed a slight blush on his face then tried to grab the basket. 

I grabbed his arm licking his lips taking in his scent he blushed " what's your name? " I asked him " Henry Bowers who are you? " I tilt my head to the side " Patrick " I said with a smile. 

We walked together through the woods Henry was talking about some people from his school but I wasn't really listening to him all I heard was fucking losers they are a bunch of losers blah blah blah " so where are your clothes? " he asked suddenly I smiled and shrugged " don't know " he looked at me " we're almost over at my friend's house so you can borrow some of his clothes " he said I helped him over a tree that fell over. Once we got there Henry knocked on the door after a minute of waiting the door opened a short guy with either bleached or dyed blonde hair with hazel eyes he wore a grey shirt and camouflaged pants with no shoes or socks " what took you so long and who's this naked guy? " the little weasel looking bitch said " this is Patrick I found him in the woods " Henry said handing the basket to the weasel then he grabbed my hand and brought me inside the house " whoa! " a bigger man said while sitting on a couch he wore a hat, a Metallica shirt with jeans like the weasel he wasn't wearing shoes or socks. 

Henry and the weasel walked behind me " Patrick this is victor and Reginald but I and everyone calls them Vic and belch " Vic and belch? Weird nicknames " can feral boy borrow some clothes Vic? " Henry said Vic nodded then disappeared into a room I walked around sniffing at things " pat get your ass over here " Henry called out I went to him and licked his cheek " knock it off " he said blushing Vic threw me some clothes that probably wouldn't fit me but I put them on anyway. Henry sat down on the floor so did belch and Vic I sat next to Henry burying my face into his neck taking in his scent while he took out the food and drinks in the basket his hand went into my hair scratching at my scalp I nuzzled deep into his neck " Patrick you want a beer? " I looked at the beers there were only three " sure " Henry opened the beer and held it out to me I took it but I only took a few sips since I'm sharing with Henry. 

I ate half of Henry's food after I was done eating I went back to burying my face into Henry's neck he didn't mind or he didn't care which both are still nice. Henry pushed me away and got up wiping his hands on his jeans " see ya guys later " he said I got up and we both walked outside Henry looked at me " ok Patrick this is the part where you go home " he said staring at me I smiled " but we're going the same way " I said he crossed his arms " no I have to pick up some things before I head home " he said walking down the road I walked into the woods smiling at least I can find him anywhere. 

I sat outside his house the source the smell of cheap beer and cigarettes Henry stood in front of the window shirtless his body was covered but not fully covered in bruises my poor baby  is getting bullied I climbed up the side of the house to his window. 

Henry POV 

I stared into the mirror staring at the bruises on my body a tap at the window startled me I quickly turned around " Patrick?" I went to the window and opened the window he climbed into my room smiling " hey Henry " he said " aren't you supposed to be home? " he tilted his head " I don't have a home just the woods " he replied I sighed " I guess you can stay here " he tackled me onto my bed kissing my face " Patrick! Cut it out! " he didn't listen but just continued to kiss me I gave up and let him. 

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