Henry's monster

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Henry POV 

I stared nervously at my closet door " Henry get your ass down here! " my dad yelled catching my attention " c-coming dad! " I got up from my bed and walked downstairs what's scarier my olds man or the thing in my closet? " get me a beer " dad demanded I rushed to the fridge and grabbed a beer then set the on the table next to butch. 

I sat down at the table grabbing my plate and my glass of water " um dad " I said nervously as I put a slice of pizza on my plate " what Henry? " dad asked with a annoyed tone " c-can I sleep in the barn tonight? " I asked nervously " what are you scared of a that monster in your closet? I didn't raise a pussy! You're sleeping in your room Henry " he yelled and slapped me. Dad continued to yell " grow up faggot! " I felt myself about to cry " I can't stand you go! Before I beat your ass! " I run upstairs to my room. 

I threw my clothes on the floor and laid in bed staring at my closet door " Henry lights out! " dad yelled from downstairs I reached over to my lamp and turned it off. 

Patrick POV 

I crawled out from underneath the bed then sat at the end of the bed watching the sleeping human " such a beautiful boy " I hummed and touched his arm gently. 

I laid next to him pressing against him licking the large bruise on his cheek. He groaned softly then turned around snuggling into my chest " I should leave but I'm too tempted to see where this goes " I whispered. 

Henry POV 

I felt something warm press against my cheek I felt safe and happy-ish. I wrapped my arm around something I'm guessing a pillow? " jeez he's cuddly just like a kid I figured he was a kicker or at least have night terrors I guess I can't win them all " I heard something whisper quickly I sat up " dad? " I said in a panic " oh shit " I heard the thing say I looked at  a creature he had four arms , green eyes, sharp horns, lizard tail, cat like feet, and claws " dad! " I yelled while I tried to jump out of bed. 

But the creature grabbed me and covered my mouth " shhhh " he said licking my nose his tongue is kinda like a snake tongue I tried to push him away when that failed I punched him hard as I could " fuck! " he said falling back " so you're cuddly when you sleep but a bitch when you're awake nice to know " he said rubbing his cheek. 

" who are you? " I questioned " sorry where are my manners I'm Patrick Hockstetter " he said with a smile showing his sharp teeth " Henry Bowers " I said slowly moving back. " so henny why do you have a bruise? " he asked crouching on his feet " none of your fucking business " I growled he only laughed. He licked his lips then poked my bruised cheek " ow " I yelped and moved back until my back hit the wall. 

He laughed his laugh sent shivers down my spine " fuck off " I snapped at him " aww don't be scared big boy " he crawled towards me. Soon as he got to my feet he sat up his feet he smiled showing off his sharp teeth " don't call me that fucker " I tried to kick him but he caught my foot and pulled me towards him " let me go! " I yelled he grabbed my jaw just staring into my eyes I growled at him. 

" you're dad did this didn't he? " I heard his make a low growl " yes " i forced myself to look away he let go of my face and got up " I'll go scare your daddy for you " I watched him  walk out of my room. 

Patrick POV 

I walked down the hall opening doors nothing but a bathroom and an extra room. I walked downstairs and looked around a big living room a small tv sat on a table, a chair I'm guessing Henry's dad's chair, a small couch I smiled " what a cozy little living room " I looked at the kitchen it's small but I like it there was a large table that reached across the kitchen to the living room, a semi large fridge, an oven next to it and wooden cabinets I kept walking. 

Two doors left I opened the door a bathroom again " not what I'm looking for " I closed the door and walked the the last door then opened it. A grown man laid in bed bunch of beer bottles scattered all around the floor I crawled on hands and feet towards his bed. 

Henry POV 

I sat on my bed tears running down my cheeks as I listened to the screams of my old man then silence nothing but silence until the squeak of the floorboard alerted me that Patrick is coming " aww don't cry Henry I just saved you from that asshole " Patrick said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek I nodded " you're so adorable " he said purring softly I was stuck in hell now where am I? 

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