Mister bowers

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Patrick POV 

Thank fucking god I finally got out of that village now time for the castle then maybe I can get the hell out I thought as I walked towards the castle climbing through the window " that vermin roamed the village and killed so many what a shame I'll have to pick up fast food disgusting " a voice said then another voice said " what are we going to do? " I cracked open the door peeking into a large room a small boy wearing a white dress and a white jacket over it his blond hair reached to his neck in a mullet surprisingly messy but the rest of his body looked neat and classy. 

He raised a cigarette to his lips I watched him press his red lips against the butt of the cigarette inhaling then released the cigarette leaving two red marks from his lips exhaling the smoke leaving his lips. He opened his blue eyes " if he's in my castle we'll have man flesh for dinner " he said walking upstairs the sounds of the floor boards creaking confirmed it. Carefully pushing open the door peeking around giggling echoing through the castle " Well well well the man thing " I looked up on top of the stairs the small man looked down at me he smiled " I'm Patrick Hockstetter and you are? " he presses his lips tightly together thinking " Henry Bowers " he said walking down the stairs then sat down in a nearby chair picking up a glass of wine. 

Two pair of hands grabbed my arms two people wearing black dresses and veils giggling one of their faces was covered in blood and the other kept giggling " father " one of them said in a calming voice Henry looked up at the guy " I've always been a fan of good hunt " he smirked looking at me. I licked my lips as the two people let go of me " I'll count to five you better start running Patrick " he said raising the pipe to his lips again the two boys walked around me like how predators circle around their prey. 


I pushed past them running through the endless halls the echoes of those men laughter sent shivers down my back but I wasn't scared I was aroused by them and Henry. 


If they catch me they will kill me so I have to kill them first but how? 


How can I kill them? What's their weakness? Remember come on Patrick remember! 


Henry's calming voice counted one more number to go before they start hunting me down fuck this is exciting! 


The laughter grew louder but then stopped realizing they are going to split up to find me now I have a chance. I entered a room crouching just in time for one of the boys to walk into the room looking around he had pink hair like the other one I guess they are twins he sniffed the air " where did you go tall one? " he growled softly. A loud crash from somewhere in the castle caught our attention mostly his attention he ran towards the sound I sat up " that was close " after a few minutes of waiting I stepped out into the hallway. 

Wait! That's it! I smirked realizing how to kill them I carefully made my way to the ground floor " There you are human " one of the boys said from behind me " Shit! " I ran around the halls trying to lose him but found myself in a crypt of some kind the man followed me raising a scythe. " Fuck! " I bumped into a lever that opened a seal letting in cold air the man immediately screamed as the snow that was blown by the wind landed on his skin I started at him realizing this is my chance I grabbed the scythe he dropped stabbing him. His eyes widen blood dripping from his mouth and fell to the floor his hand laying on his chest I stared at him he tried to say something but only coughed out blood I put my foot on his neck while smirking " I wished I could have put you in my fridge but oh well " I said he started at me his red eyes showed fear I immediately crushed his neck one left. 

Henry POV 

Where did he go? I wondered as I walked into the crypt seeing my baby laying on the floor blood stained floor his neck crushed " Bip! " I screamed running to his side lifting up his veil blood and tears ran down his cheek rage filled me I touched my his cheek and screamed " Do you know how much blood and sweat it took to raise them!? " I growled standing up my poor Bip that bastard dies I walked towards the stairs " Bop " I said trying to calm down but seeing my dead baby burns a hole in my heart that can be only filled by killing that bastard. Bop appeared in front of me " Yes father? " he asked looking at me I touched his cheek the blood from Bip mixed with the blood that was already on Bop's face " Did you kill him? " I asked impatiently " No father " he said I moved my hand away from his cheek " Find him! I want his head! " I yelled Boo nodded then left. 

I brought my pipe to my lips pressing it to my lips inhaling them blowing out the smoke waiting until my last son kills Patrick but he never came back " Bop? " I called out but he never said anything back or come to me " No! " I screamed in anger. 

Patrick POV 

I leaned against the railing watching Henry he yelled out " You stupid man thing you won't live long even if you run! " tears ran down his cheeks I wiped the blood off my cheek what a shame but I have to leave I thought as I walked away finding my exit but a metal plate stopped my hand from pulling the lever " The fuck? " I tried to pull the metal off but I was stopped again the sound of laughter didn't sound familiar to me " Henry? " I looked towards the sound of the laughter but it wasn't him flying metal surrounded me in casing me in darkness. 

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