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( the off off off brand of KS also the actual writing is longer than the song ) 

Patrick POV 

Stuck in a limbo (Here we go)
Me and my sins go (Toe-to-toe oh oh oh)
I played a vicious part (Whoa)
I broke an unfair share of hearts
I'm about to blow
So if you come around then you should know

I gripped onto the mallet Henry started to back away from me " aww don't be scared kitten I promise to make it quick " I said calmingly " leave me alone " Henry's voice trembled which made this even more hard than it has to be damn that cute face. 

I'll tear you up in two

He looked down I grabbed his jaw forcing him to look at me his grey blue eyes were filled with fear and tears " your so beautiful Henry " I purred as I pulled down on the chains that were attached to his feet and raised the mallet high " this is going to hurt a lot but be a big boy for me " Henry began to pleased and beg for me to stop but I'm not going to.

Go ahead walk it off if you know what's best for you.
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh oh oh

I slammed the mallet into Henry's leg he screamed god he has such a beautiful voice! I did the same with the other leg he screamed even louder. I held him close to me he cried into my chest " shhh I know it hurts a lot but it's ok baby " I whispered into his ear.

I'm no good for you (No)
This heart ain't built for two so
Runaway, runaway
'Cause I'm no, I'm no, I'm no good for you.
I'm no good for you (No)
Get in love then I'll cut you loose so,
Runaway, runaway
'Cause I'm no, I'm no, I'm no good for you.
I'mma I'mma I'mma love killer
I'mma I'mma I'mma love killer
I'mma I'mma I'mma killer

~ a month later ~ 

I looked down at Henry who was laying his head against my leg I started to pet his hair he flinched soon as I touched him " baby you have to remember I don't like hurting you " I picked him up and sat him on my lap his oversized shirt moved up showing his boxers such a whore " but I only hurt you because you need to behave all those failed attempts to escape, hitting, kicking, screaming for help, and biting isn't going to get you anywhere it will just give you a punishment " he shivered as I stroked his back.

Lower than real low (Here we go)
Take your heart like a repo (No-no-no-oh-oh)
Dug yourself in to (Whoa)

" which would look better on Henry? The red one or the orange? " both would adorable on him but the orange isn't his color red will do! I quickly payed for the dress then went home " honey I'm home " I called out " pat? " Henry said looking at him " I brought you a gift for being so good " I handed him the bag. He opened it then looked up at me gripping onto the dress " we're going out to eat so wear it " I said in a threatening way he immediately nodded then he limped his way into the bedroom I followed him. 

A pretty mess that I made for you
I'm about to show
For the time you're gonna lose
By the time I go-oh-oh

" oh baby can you come here please " I said in a sweet voice Henry came rushing down the stairs " yes? " he asked curiously when he saw me covered in blood he rushed towards me " are you hurt!? Do I need to get the first aid kit!? " he panicked. I chuckled how adorable he is " no I'm fine but I think you might want to give the first aid kit to him " I turned his face to look at a dead body he looked away " don't be sad baby boy he had it coming " I said rubbing his sides and kissing him he turned around to face me and started to take off his oversize shirt this should be fun. 

I'll tear you up in two
Go ahead walk it off if you know whats best for you.
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh oh oh

Henry sat in my lap kissing my cheek to get my attention " what Henry? " I asked annoyed " I'm sorry " he mumbled while kissing my cheek " they keep questioning and questioning " I grabbed a fist full of his hair pulling it back he groaned out of pain then I held a knife to his neck. He started to beg " you're lucky I don't want clean up a bloody mess " I moved the knife and pushed him off of me he laid on the floor trembling. 

I'm no good for you (No)
This heart ain't built for two so
Runaway, runaway
'Cause I'm no, I'm no, I'm no good for you.
I'm no good for you (No)
Get in love and I'll get you loose so,
Runaway, runaway
'Cause I'm no, I'm no, I'm no good for you.
I'mma I'mma I'mma love killer
I'mma I'mma I'mma love killer
I'mma I'mma I'mma killer

I peeked into the living room Henry sat on the couch watching tv while drying his hair I smiled " so beautiful " I mumbled to myself as I took out my phone to take a picture of him. 

Smooth like emotions
Bottled up explosions
Intoxicating you
Learning of the truth
I'm your sentencing
Exiting through your skin
Intoxicating you
Ninety seven proof

I planted a kiss on Henry's hand and his bruised cheek he smiled nervously " I'm sorry babe those annoying assholes keep bugging " I growled and kisses his ear " I shouldn't have took my anger out on you " I touched his cheek he flinched once my hand touched him but he calmed down and hugged me " my poor baby getting hurt for something you didn't do " I rubbed his back lovingly. 

I'm no good for you (No)
This heart ain't built for two so
Runaway, runaway
'Cause I'm no, I'm no, I'm no good for you.
I'm no good for you (No)
Get in love then I'll cut you loose so,
Runaway, runaway
'Cause I'm no, I'm no, I'm no good for you.
I'mma I'mma I'mma love killer
I'mma I'mma I'mma love killer
I'mma I'mma I'mma killer

" I'll be right back " I said patting Henry's back gently he looked at me " where are you going? " he asked " I just remembered I have to do something but I'll be right back " I said kissing his forehead and walked away. I gripped onto my mallet as I growled at butch " fucking disgusting waste of time " he thrashed around but he couldn't get out " you can't do one simple thing watch your son or take care of your son but I guess you did one thing right you did fuck some poor woman and she had Henry thank you for that " I smirked " I would be lonely if I didn't have my baby " I walked towards him smiling " he won't miss you at all and frankly I doubt anyone will either so have fun in hell I'll join you when my time is up " I teased then swung the mallet at his head but I missed the mallet broke his jaw. 

He let out a disgusting scream " when I broke Henry's legs he had such a beautiful scream " I said in a monotone voice then I dropped the mallet and picked up a crowbar " this is going to hurt like a bitch " I laughed and hit butch repeatedly. " Patrick? " Henry called from upstairs I quickly washed off the blood and ran to him hugging him from behind " yes baby? " I asked kissing his cheek repeatedly " nothing " he said looking down I'm so happy to have my little Henry if anyone or anything comes between us I will end them. 

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