Midnight visit

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( I'm in the middle of writing for my new book but my friend Avery is bugging me to make another so just so there's no confusion the bowers gang are girls ) 

Patricia POV 

Soft sound of creaking made me look at my precious sleeping beauty I carefully snuck inside Henrietta's room soon as my feet met the floor I walked towards Henrietta " so pretty " I whispered softly and pecked her cheek making her shift onto her other side facing me. My smile disappeared when I saw the bruises on her wrist, cheek, neck, and arm I growled softly " fucking bastard doesn't deserve such a good girl like you " I whispered as I moved her hair out of her face " hen " I shook her. 

She sat up " patty? " she said rubbing her eye sleepily " hey sweetheart " I said kissing her neck she let out a soft moan " what are you doing here? " her voice is so beautiful I smiled and said " just visiting " then I laid down next to her. Henrietta kissed me I kissed back and held her close to me " Patricia you shouldn't be here my dad will kill you " she pleaded " I'll kill him first before he can even touch me " I said with a smile " go away jackass " Henrietta pushed me off the bed making me laugh. 

" nah " I said and climbed back into bed cuddling with her " you're so beautiful " I said while kissing the bruises " shut it pat " she chuckled while playing with my hair I sat up " sorry sugar tits I have to go before my parents check on me " she gave me a bitch look and nodded " go ahead " she mumbled I kissed her then climbed out the window " see you at school sugar tits!" I climbed down the tree and saw Henrietta looks out the window watching me run home.

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