Henry in wonderland

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Henry POV

" you fucking jackass! " I yelled at Patrick " Henry " he said softly " shut the fuck up fuckface! I told you not to do one thing but you don't listen! You just do your own fucking thing! " I yelled then I stormed off angrily.

A small kid in a raincoat bumped into my shoulder " watch where your going kid! " the kid looked back at me then ran suddenly my curiosity got the better of me I chased after him. " hey kid! " I yelled but he ignored me he kept running into the sewer " why am I doing this?" I questioned myself I sighed and walked into the sewer.

I kept walking it feels like I've been walking forever I thought I couldn't hear his the kid's footsteps anymore everything is silent it creep me out. I saw light at the end of the stupid tunnel " finally " I said with annoyance but when I stepped out everything was different I turned around but the sewer tunnel was gone " what the fuck? " I turned back and looked around everything is big I walked down through grass.

" where am I " I pushed past leafs I climbed over a rock " what's that? " I heard a voice " who's that? " I looked around but nothing but flowers, grass, dirt, and rocks " I said what are you? " a rose leaned forward me " what the fuck? " the rose reminded me of Greta. Many flowers leaned towards me that I'm guessing was Greta's friends " I'm Greta what and who are you? " Greta demanded " Henry and human do you know where the fuck the exist is? " I asked with a little bit of demand in my voice Greta looked annoyed " the whore might know " I recognized as Marcia's voice.

Greta moved away from me to talk to her friends suddenly I'm being picked up and set in a leaf I looked up at Greta and her friends. One of the flowers poured water behind the leaf " oh fuck! " I yelped as the leaf spun around while being carried by water.

The leaf stopped at a tree with a bunch of signs " where am I now? " I sat up and looked around nothing but a tree and a forest of grass and paths but my height would take forever. Soft purring wait purring!? Shit! My height and a cat don't mix well I panicked and looked for a place to hide " well well well " the cat said purring I looked at the cat who looked like Peter.

He picked me up and sniffed me I punched his nose " put me down! " I growled he moved his face away and rubbed his nose with the other hand? Paw? Whatever " bad mouse " he purred " I'm not a mouse asshole I'm Henry " I said " I'm Peter " he said with a smile " what are you doing out here all alone? " he asked his ears pinned back his tail flicked " um I was looking for the whore " I said slipping through his fingers falling " shit! " I yelped but Peter's claw hooked into the back back my shirt " the whore? Oh yes her " he growled and lifted me towards his face " she's around here but not here " here but not here? What the hell does that mean? " I think the hatter knows " hatter? " I asked curiously " I'll take you to him. " 

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