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Patrick POV 

" please open your bibles to Luke chapter 15:11 " I said as I opened to the page when the door opened causing me to look up I saw a small light brown mullet, blue eyes, small ear piercing, a red sleeveless shirt and ripped jeans he's very cute. " hello father..." I stared at him " Patrick Hockstetter " he smiled " father hockstetter I'm Henry " I smiled.

Henry walked to the back of the room close to the window and the doors I looked down at the Bible in front of me and started to read. 

Henry POV 

Father hockstetter was a handsome looking guy he made my body crave him when my eyes landed on a middle age man sitting a few rows in front and across the room. Carefully I looked around and pulled out a wooden doll that looked like the guy my nail turned into claws I dragged my nails against the wooden doll the man's face had three marks blood dripping from his face I'm guessing his wife put tissues on the cuts I dig deeper into the wooden doll causing the guy bleed more. 

People stared at the man bleed out as Patrick was reading the Bible not paying attention good I continued to carve into the wooden doll but I stabbed my leg the man blood came flooding out. The man spit on the his wife she was covered in blood her screams caught Patrick's attention. Patrick ran over to the man then looked at me I made the bleeding stop " ma'am take your husband to the hospital now! " Patrick's voice darkened making me shiver in arouse. The wife took her husband outside Patrick walked towards me " everyone you may leave " he said as he grabbed my arm he leaned down to my ear " stay here " I nodded and stayed in my chair.

After everyone left Patrick pulled me into the back room " you're a demon " I nodded.

Patrick POV 

" I didn't think demons could be so small " I chuckled like clockwork Henry jumped onto my desk then grabbed my collar pulling me towards his face " I'm not small I'm the perfect height for a damn demon! You shouldn't even says that to me I could kill right now! " he growled I started to laugh at his small little out burst " well I'm not talking about height baby boy~ " a light blush appeared on his face " shut up man " he snapped I couldn't take him seriously so I laughed at his cute little outburst.

I gently rubbed his thigh " so what does your demon form look like? " he paused then pushed me away to jump off my desk. Henry grew horns, his feet changed into animal like feet, his teeth sharpened, a tail flickered behind him, he grew two beautiful a dark red wings " wow you are sight " I gently touched his wings " I thought your wings were like more dragon kind wings " Henry chuckled while I started to scratch his wings " that's what everyone thinks but no demon's wings are the same as angel's wing " I smiled and kissed him. 

His snake like tongue entered my mouth I pulled Henry close to me our kiss quickly became heated I nicely ( aggressively) ripped Henry's clothes off then kissed his neck causing him to moan. He gripped onto my jacket and hair after a while of playing tongue war Henry pulled off my jacket and unbuttoned my shirt I pushed him onto my desk sucking on his neck. He let out soft moans " music to my ears~ " he chuckled " shut up man " suddenly there was a knock on the door I growled softly " father hockstetter the police would like to speak with you " I sighed and started to put on my clothes " I'll be right there " Henry looked annoyed I could tell by his tail " can I have some clothes? " I nodded and pointed towards a closet.

Henry POV 

I walked over to the closet Patrick pointed to " what is there some pastor clothes for me? " I chuckled Patrick looked at me while buttoning up his shirt " more like nun clothes " Patrick smirked soon as I opened the closet doors my eyes landed on a long black dress and headpiece "wow you weren't kidding " we both laughed as I puts on the dress and headpiece " this is so uncomfortable pattycake " Patrick laughed as he fixed his collar I sighed and fixed my headpiece and dress. 

Patrick follows the nun as I stayed in his office looking through Patrick's things like a good demon or how Patrick says like a good little kitten whatever that suppose to mean. After a few hours of looking through Patrick's shit I got bored and walked around the church burning every cross that I came a cross as I smiled evilly. 

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