Henry's secret

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( it's going to be short and sweet I apologize) 

Henry pov 

" see you boys later " belch, Vic and Patrick waved bye and walked to belch's car I sighed in relief and ran upstairs into my room changing my clothes instead of wearing boy clothes like I normally would but I didn't like them I like girl clothes for some reason. 

So I ran upstairs changing my clothes into a long sleeved striped shirt and a overall shirt thing over my shirt I smiled feeling comfortable but that's when I heard a voice behind me " well well well

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So I ran upstairs changing my clothes into a long sleeved striped shirt and a overall shirt thing over my shirt I smiled feeling comfortable but that's when I heard a voice behind me " well well well."

Patrick pov 

I realized that I left my lighter in Henry's house " hold on I left something at Henry's place " I couldn't care any less about knocking so I just walked inside and saw Henry in a girls clothes oh fuck how cute " well well well " Henry turned around quickly facing me " Patrick what are you doing here!? " he started to yell at me " I left my lighter so I came back to get it I'm happy I didn't knock " I smiled and walked towards Henry " so you wear girls clothes do you have a secret pussy I don't know about bowers? " he blushed and growled at me " no! I don't have a pussy asshole! You tell anyone about this I'm going to kill you! " I chuckled " aww little Henry scared that you'll be mocked, have no friends, be the outcast " he stopped growling but glared at me " but don't worry Henry I won't tell anyone about this also are you sure you don't have a pussy because from your whining it looks like you have a pussy " he punched me in the arm " shut up I don't have a pussy get your lighter and leave." 

I rubbed my arm " fine babe " I saw the blush return to Henry's face " get out fucker " I chuckled and grabbed my lighter " you pull of that outfit but I can pull it off for you~ " I licked my lips Henry glared at me and pushes me out the door " will you ever shut the fuck up? Don't tell anyone about this or I'm telling everyone about the fridge " I got nervous " yeah I swear I won't tell Henry " then he slammed the door in my face fuck! I walked back to belch's car and got in he looked at me " you ok pat?" I nodded with a smile " yup just me and Henry got into a small argument and I'm going to end that argument tonight " I said while licking my lips. 

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