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Patrick POV 

I watched Henry slam his locker close then kick it leaving a dent in the abused locker " shit " Henry said with a sigh then he walked away I followed behind him but not close enough to get his attention I want to grab him and make him mine everything about him is mine his smile, his blue eyes, his small body, his lips, his ass everything of him is mine. 

Henry sits in the back of the room with the others I followed and sat next to him. I watched Henry's face change to blank to a  frustrated look how cute I smiled while watching him until the bell rang. We both walked outside Vic pointed out the losers but Henry waved him off " I'm not in the mood " belch and Vic shrugged it off but I knew they don't why " then we can over to your house Henry " belch's voice perked up Henry looked at belch with a hesitation " n-no Vic didn't you say your parents got a small swimming pool?" We looked at Vic " yeah but we can't use it " Henry sighed and nodded " yeah let's go to my place " we walked back to belch's car. 

~ time skip to midnight ~ 

I hummed a soft tune as I climbed up towards Henry's window I peeked into his window and saw my sleep sweet bowers I felt my heart warm up at the sight of Henry asleep I could do anything I want to him right now but I can't oh well I had something to take care off anyway I carefully pulled myself into Henry's room. Henry's soft snoring caught my attention I studied his beautiful face his thick but soft light brown hair pressed against his tan-ish skin since he wasn't wearing a baggy shirt like always I saw his muscles and how his small body is. How cute his small frame is so feminine I chuckled as carefully looked through his nightstand I didn't find anything other than lube, gum, and a few pens figures Henry wouldn't have good stuff in his nightstand I looked at his dresser and saw many toys on it. 

One thing caught my eye his cream I looked over at Henry then back at the cream and read what he could be using it for " back pain? " I whispered as I carefully made my way over to Henry I lifted his shirt up and saw many bruises, cuts, belt marks, and burn marks on his back so his old man wants to hit him " I'll take care of him for you kitten " I said as I caressed his cheek gently I saw a slight smile on his face cute! I got up and walks towards the stairs and watched butch go to his room I followed silently with a knife I brought with me just in case and what did you know? It did came in handy.

I covered Butch's mouth stabbing him in the neck his blood started to squirt out from his neck and mouth both getting onto my hand and my shirt " son of a bitch you got blood on me " soon as I felt butch's body go limp I laid him down in his bed and walked out of the room " I better leave before  Henry wales up or my mom checks on me " I walked upstairs towards Henry's room giving his cheek a kiss then climbed out the window on my home before Henry discovers the dead body. 

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