Hockstetter's pet part 2

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( let me know if you want more of this and I'm sorry it was rushed ) 

Patrick pov 

I slowly ran jelly over toast with a knife as I hummed my eyes looked at the monitor " aww Henry is still sleeping " I smiled at the sleeping Henry  I put eggs, waffles, toast with jelly, and glass filled with orange juice on a tray then walks downstairs to the basement where Henry is staying. I unlocked the door and set the tray on a tray holder that stood next to his bed I planted a kiss on his temple he shifted in his sleep how cute! I got up and walked upstairs to watch the monitors he's adorable when he's asleep.

Henry pov

I woke up in a dark room alone with a mattress that I'm laying on, a tray holder, and a bowl filled with water I saw food on a tray next to me I hesitated but still ate the food " where am I? Did my old man give me up?" I got up and looked around but I didn't find anything then I tried the door surprising it was unlocked so walks into the kitchen everything was clean there was a island in the center next to it was a water bowl for dogs are there dogs here? I wondered around the house and carefully made my way upstairs " hello?" No answer so I just walked upstairs looking around " hello!?" Still no answer but arms wrapped around my waist I spun around my hands laided on Patrick's chest " Patrick? " he looked down at me and smiled " hey kitten looks like forgot to lock the door but since your up here welcome home kitty! " he smiled and pecked my cheek " the fuck are you talking about? "  I wiped my cheek " well honey I didn't want you to in the same house with the abuser so I killed him and brought you to a new house so we can start a new life" he held my hands smiling big " Patrick " he shushed me by kissing me " let's go to bed my love " I wanted to pull away but Patrick pulled me towards a room the room walls were painted blue the bed sheets were a silky red, two nightstands rested on each side on the bed on top of it was two lamps, books, and water bowl I assumed for me on the other nightstand is a cup of water. Patrick pulled me onto the bed he held me close I want to run away I was fine with my old life he whispered in my ear " relax baby I promise I won't be a rough with you kitten just be a good boy~ " I laid next to him scared I want to run away but where? Where am I? Patrick held me close to him we fell asleep together Patrick slept happily but I slept terrified. 

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