Art class

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Henry POV

I watched Patrick act like his normal self after he went missing I hated the way he pretended he was fine I wanted to punch that smile off his face but I can't he would take pleasure in it. I sighed softly realizing how did I fall in love with a psychopath.

Patrick POV

I've noticed the way Henry looks at me his expressions are so cute and I love seeing him angry and give me a weird look I couldn't help but give him a grin I knew he wanted to smack my smile off my face but I would just take pleasure. Me and Henry were in art class I love that class for two reasons one because i love to draw and second Henry can't draw for shit it was cute watching him get angry I laughed at his cute rage then he would punch me but today I have a different thing in my mind I smirked " hey hen your supposed to be looking at the board " he looked up at me then said " shut it hockstetter " I smirked at his comment I leaned down towards his ear whispering " I think someone needs to be taught a lesson~ " he gave me another weird look " the fuck are you talking about fagg- ah~ " I slowly pushed my fingers into him as I watched him move around and holding in his moan I was happy seeing him like this I couldn't wait so I started to add three fingers into him and started to thrust them into him as fast as i can he griped on the table trying so hard not to moan I licked my lips as I stared at his pleasured face I was about to cum in my pants I pulled my fingers out and put them in front of his face he stared at me panting I couldn't help it and shove my fingers in his mouth as I whisper " suck~ " he did God he's good at this after a minute i pulled my fingers out and wiped them off " Henry come over at my place and maybe we can have some fun~ " he nodded and started to draw man i can't wait for tonight. 

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