How to kiss

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Henry POV

Soon as I stepped outside into the sunlight I squinted while trying to block out the sun " Henry! " a voice called out from behind me. Vic ran to my side " Hey vic " we both walked down the road since belch wasn't here damn sick fatass we had to walk. An arm was thrown over my shoulders " Hey henny " Patrick purred while nuzzling me " cut that shit out " I barked angrily. Patrick pulled back grinning Vic cleared his throat " do you two need alone time? " he said I felt my face heat up " NO! " I yelled Patrick only chuckled soon we walked down the road.

" Vicky when was your first kiss? " Hockstetter blurted out Vic looked at him unamused " 9 when was yours Hockstetter? " he asked " 11 " he smirked " I'm surprised anyone would want to kiss you Hockstetter considering how fat you were " I said glaring at him. Since me and pat went to the same elementary and middle school we were in the same classes but I never hung around him because he creeped me out and the rumors of dead fly collection in his pencil bag but those made him stand out to me before high school. Patrick was fatter than belch and he was the shortest of us but now he was tall skinny the only thing that didn't change was his hair. I fucking hate him the only reason why I wanted to hang out with him was because he was sorta sexy but his personality is shitty I kinda like it reputation wise yeah just for reputation. Patrick slapped my back " I'm guessing you didn't hear me so listen up Bowers I said when did you get your first kiss? " he asked grinning down at me I growled while my face heated up from both anger and embarrassment he knows I haven't had my first kiss yet " I'm not telling you fucker " I growled he only pinched my cheek.

Vic giggles to himself " bye " he said walking down the street since me and Patrick live nearby we walked together " Do you even know how to kiss? " he blurted out I blushed and started hitting him " of course I do! " I yelled at him. He glanced down at me " Then prove it " he smirked leaning down close to my face I pushed his face away " I don't have to prove shit to you " he shrugged and stood back up walking away " Fine by me " he said unamused. I followed behind him I grabbed the back of his shirt before he turned his corner he looked back at me " What? " he said looking down at me " Fuck " I started mumbling Patrick stared at me confused " See ya Henry " he said pulling away from me walking towards his house.

Immediately I ran towards him headbutting his back " Ah! Fuck! " he yelped grabbing my shirt " the hell man? " he looked back at me I swore underneath my breath " teach me " I said Patrick stared at me " teach you what? " damn that bastard and his shit eating smile " teach me how to kiss " I said blushing. Patrick grinned at me then walked towards his house " better my house then yours " he said I followed behind him " unless you want your dad to find out you're just a fag for me " the thought of it excited but scared me " I'm only asking since we're friends jackass I'm not a faggot like you asshole " Patrick only smiled creepily I hated that smile. He threw his arm around my neck grinning " sure Henry " he nuzzled into my neck " Come on cutie " he said cutie? " Who the fuck are you calling a cutie? " I said glaring at him " You dumbass " he said poking my nose. Patrick moved his arm from my shoulder to his hand to my hand and led me inside his house to his room " I'll teach you how to be a great kisser and maybe I can teach you other things~ " he teased " Shut it cockstetter " I said while blushing.

Patrick POV

I presses my hand against his cheek while a flustered Henry leaned towards me lips puckered. I leaned back trying not to laugh " SHUT UP! " he yelled blushing " sorry Henry " he glared at me blushing I smirked pulling him close to me leaning down towards him. He hesitated to move any closer " pussy " I said kissing him. His eyes widen as I pulled away " you're a bad kisser " I said. Henry blushed a dark red " shut up fag that was my first kiss " he muttered I grinned " sounds like you are the faggot " I laughed Henry blushes darker his ears turned red. He looked me " you're a shitty kisser Patrick " I looked at him surprised " oh yeah? " I quickly tackled him to the floor kissing him.

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