Mister Bowers

375 6 3

( part 2 ) 

Patrick POV 

" As in apologizing for killing my babies I'll kill him " a voice hissed out.

" No I'll put on a show that everyone will enjoy " a unfamiliar voice said.

I slowly opened my eyes the room spun the figures before me blurred but soon focused " fuck my head " I groaned out coming into focus a doll stared at me " he's awake! " the doll sang while twirling around. A big man that was hunching over walked towards me his face leaned in I got a good look at his face before the doll pushed him saying " get out of the way ugly " I almost laughed before a man who was sitting across from Henry holding a mallet yelled " shut the fuck up " they both moved out of my way the doll ran back to this person wearing all black with a vail covering their face. 

Soon as those two " monsters " were out of the way I got a good look at everyone in this broken down place. Henry still wearing his tight dress showing off his curves but it was stained with blood maybe from the boys I killed then the person in the vail they wore a black dress and tights not much I could describe but the doll in their arms was wearing a yellow jumpsuit with three red balls, it's face was cracked a long line starting above it's eye down to it's mouth making a smile it's hair was a bright red but the tips were orange. The hunchback he was a fat man his skin looks like he was drowned and left in the water his clothes was nothing fancy like Henry he wore a Metallica t-shirt and ripped jeans some of his skin was ripped off which interested me " hey hunchback what happened to your skin? " he just stared at me moving slightly back I almost laughed at how pathetic he is almost as pathetic as the man next to him. 

Henry huffed " What do we care for bread and circuses? The man thing's suffering is assured regardless " the man with the mallet leaned back bored " Yack, Yack and if a man's dick is cut off in the castle " he rolled his eyes " blah, blah, blah! " siblings glad I never got siblings.... well that survived. The hunchback laughed to himself guessing at the mallet's joke that wasn't really funny but eh a soft voice spoke up " I've heard all your arguments, some of you were less persuasive " the man in the center looked at the mallet then at Henry " than others, but... I've made my decision ". 

Everyone had their eyes on me suddenly I hated the attention Henry blew out smoke silence filled the room minus the sounds of growling and the doll singing to itself the man in the center looked towards the man with the mallet " His fate rests in your hand Moose " Moose stood up proudly but henry stood up quickly filled by anger " Victor I disagree Moose is nothing but a child and his loyalty is questionable. Give the man thing to me and I'll make sure he's ready  " he nearly screamed I smirked to myself as he walked towards me. Moose rolled his eyes " don't be a sore loser Henry " he scoffed walking towards me  " Hush child adults are talking " Henry fires back " I'm a child? You're the one who's arguing with Victor's decision " moose said gripping onto the mallet Henry clearly annoyed " You wouldn't know responsibility if it was welded to that hammer! " in the background the little clown doll repeated " Fight, fight, fight! " while laughing " Don't I get a say in this? " I asked but I already knew the answer to that the once soft voice that came from Victor turned loud and annoyed by the fighting " SILENCE! " he yelled out four pair of black wings sprung out the " children " look towards Victor with some fear the two stepped away from each other " My decision is final there will be no argument " Victor's tone softened as if to comfort the two " Remember from whence you came " I rather go back to whence I came I thought while those creatures started to get closer that can't be a good sign. 

Moose bowed slightly " Thank you" he said in a soft tone surprisingly he had one Henry turned back to the chair he was once sitting on putting the pipe to his lips suddenly a voice boomed out that caught my attention " Lycans and gentlemen we thank you for waiting! And now let the games begin " oh fuck I completely forgot about them wanting to kill me the creatures got closer then before. Moose got on his knee in front of me grinning while his siblings eyes were all on me " Let's see what you're really made of Patrick Hockstetter " he said softly then stood up for all to hear " Get ready! " he said while lifting his hammer up " No! Wait! " realizing I have nothing to defend myself I'm going to die by a hammer instinctively I moved to the side as moose brought down his hammer making a loud CRASH I quickly got to my feet the growling grew louder until they appeared in my face. 


I looked at all the creatures waiting for the command to attack. 


Thoughts raced around in my head Henry's eyes scanned my face for any sign of reaction or to predict my movements either one wasn't a good thing for me. 


I scanned the room for any place I could escape creatures surrounding around me but the corner of the room was clear that's my escape! 


My heart beat faster in my chest as I quickly made my way to the whole in the floor in the corner of the room. 


Damn it Patrick! What's worse getting killed by creatures for entertainment or getting chased through something you have no idea where or what's down there for entertainment? 



I looked behind me the creatures growled waiting impatiently for the last number " hole it is " I said somewhat confident.



I jumped down into the hole landing on my feet but fall " shit! " I quickly got to my feet. 


" SHOWTIME! " moose yelled right on cue I ran through a narrow tunnel the creatures separated by wooden walls growled loudly " That's right! Run for your life! " moose said through a PA. I stopped by a fork in the road but the wooden wall collapsed the creature broke through " Fuck " I ran to the left side kicking the blanks in my way then I dropped down into a cave running across a stone bridge " Very nice Patrick " moose chuckled one of the bigger creatures jumped from a higher level landing onto the stone bridge in front of me like a swatting a bug the thing hit me with his weapon. 

I fell to the ground as the ground underneath me started to move " the hell? " I turned to lay on my back only to see the monster swinging his weapon at me before he could I slid past him sliding down a shaft in the cave then spitted out on my side " Ow! " I grunted the creatures stood in front of me behind a gate like mocking me once again the annoying bastard's voice perked up " You're still alive? " he sounds surprised but that " Impressive... " it's called dumb luck I turned to lay on my back staring at a ceiling full of spikes " Shit! " I rolled to my side to quickly get to my feet. Blanks caught my eye I ran over to it breaking it with my hands I crouched to get through I felt a bit of victory but the growling sounds quickly out of my victory " Shit! " I followed a sunlight laughter of amusement echoed through the cave " My word you truly are as strong as they say! " I'm going to kill you bitch I thought. 

I carefully dropped down " Oh you didn't think I'd let you get away did you? " two large grinders moved towards me " Gotta keep Donna and Moreau entertained! " he mocked and teased while I ran to a small whole in the side of the wall enough room for me to fit in. I slides inside waiting for the grinders to stop " So now it's time for the beautiful blood-soaked grand finale! " he laughed " when I find you I'm going to kill you " the blades got close enough to cut through my restraints freeing my hands " Nothing like fresh American ground beef! " he joked and laughed the blades stopped I crouched crawling out underneath the grinders Henry's family are dicks looks like I have more people to kill other than two little pigs " This should be fun " I smirked making my way out of this mine. 

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