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( Part 2 ) 

Patrick POV 

I held Henry's hand as we walked through a haunted house. Anything jumped out Henry gripped onto my hand or slightly jumped not even halfway some guy jumped out scaring my poor angry kitty but he did punch him right after scaring him. I laughed pulling Henry along with me " Henry you can't punch them they're just doing their job " I said between laughs. 

Henry presses his back against the wall I gripped onto his hips giggling the person Henry punched ran out of the haunted house looking for us. 

I gently rubbed Henry's thighs " is he still looking for us? " Henry peeked over the corner " yup " I giggled then grabbed his jacket kissing him. He wrapped his arms around my neck Kissing me then I pulled away " come on let's go before he see us " we walked away smiling.

The wind brushed against our faces as the cart speed down the tracks I lifted my arms up in the wind Henry gripped onto the bar I laughed while everyone else screamed loudly like they were going to die. Once the ride stopped we got out I wrapped my arm around Henry's waist chuckling we walked past a photo booth " pictures? " I asked he looked at me and smiled " sure " I pulled him to the booth. 

We got inside I put the money inside the machine Henry put up his middle finger I chuckled and did the same but I stuck out my tongue. The next picture was me kissing Henry's cheek and Henry's hand was in my hair then the next picture was me kissing his neck Henry ran his fingers through my hair moaning. The last picture was me and Henry kissing each other. 

~ time skip to the the night ~ 

We laughed while walking back to my car " today was fun wasn't it? " I looked at Henry he smiled " yeah thanks pat " I smiled and kissed his forehead " hey fags " a guy yelled from behind us 

I looked back at the guy " yes? " I asked with a smile and kissed Henry's hand " you " the guy pointed at Henry " get over here now " he growled " sorry but he's mine " I growled holding him close to me. 

The guy walked towards us " give him to me asshole "  I moved Henry towards my car " dear wait inside the car I'll sort this out " he nodded and went inside the car playing Creep  I turned my attention to the guy " sorry that my beautiful Henry punched yo- " the bitch punched me. I tackled him and grabbed a broken brick " you tried to hurt Henry then you punched me now I couldn't care that you punched me but when you hurt my Henry I can't forgive that " I sighed and slammed the brick down onto him repeatedly blood splattered on my face, clothes, and hair " damn it your blood is getting all over me " I growled then I stood up stomping his head in. 

I looked over at Henry who was just reading an old magazine " thank god I have old magazines in there " I sighed in relief and grabbed the guy's legs dragging him to the trunk " your a big boy I might just have to break your legs " I lifted him up and put him in the truck sadly he didn't fit so I broke his leg, foot, arms, and his hands then I threw the brick into the truck. 

I closed the truck then climbed into the car " are you ok? " Henry asked in a panicked voice " I'm fine babe " I smiled and started to pull out of the parking lot Closer began to play which I smirked " I have something to do but meet me in the bedroom I want to shower together " I said looking at the road " ok patty " he mumbled. 

Soon as Henry got out of the car and went inside I tied my hair up then went to go pull out the dead body from my trunk to my cellar " this will be a fun but very long night. " 

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