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Henry pov 

" shut up!" I yelled in anger at belch then turned back to ben " I'm going to carve my name into this cottage cheese! " ben kicked me in the stomach and fell backwards off the bridge I landed on Patrick I growled in anger quickly getting off of Patrick and to the railing I yelled " I'm going to cut your fucking tits! I swear to god! " I leaped over the railing sliding down the hill but I ended up rolling down the hill losing me knife. 

Once I stopped rolling I realized my hand was empty oh god... my knife is gone shit! Shit! " my knife " I moved leaves around trying to find my knife no no no no " my old man will kill me" I looked up at belch and Patrick growling in angry " Patrick find my fucking knife! You to vic! " I got up and started to walks away but I looked back at them " move your fucking ass! " I barked at the three. 

Patrick and Vic immediately started to look for my knife me and belch ran down the path but we were stopped by a fork in the path I pointed to my right belch ran to my right and I ran to the left. My blood boiled in rage as I walked along the stream of the small but wide river a small noise caught my attention " i can hear you tits " I said as I walked through the sewer no response " don't think you can stay here all fucking day! " I yelled as I pulled out my lighter a soft whisper causing me to turn on my light.

I stood face to face with a clown he had a smile sharp teeth showing I shivered in fear as he walked towards me slowly. I ran away I don't know where the entrance is shit! I ran into a dead end quickly I picked up a metal pipe and turned out only to find a balloon in front of me. Millions of thoughts ran through my head suddenly the balloon popped the clown stood in front of me....bloody freaking me out more he charged at me I quickly swong the pipe hitting the clown in the face he let out a growl and looked at me.

My blue eyes filled with fear met with his hungry yellow eyes I back up until my back hits the metal gates the clown got up and ripped the pipe away from me then tackled me. 

~ time skip to a week ~ 

Patrick pov 

The guys and I walked around Derry " where the hell is henry? I looked at belch and Vic they both shrugged but that's when I saw a missing poster of Henry on a pole I ripped the paper off the pole oh fuck... Henry is missing I gripped onto the paper " h-he's gone i need to go home now " I walked home a balloon attached to my mailbox " the fuck? " I opened my mailbox and found a small package with a letter I pulled out the letter and read it.

Hello Patrick 

You don't know me but I know you sorry I ate your buddy but he was delicious his screams were sound of my ears he screamed out your name to help him. He cried and cried but I told him no one is going to save him his small body tense up under me as I bit into his shoulder. 

- Robert grey 

My heart dropped as I read the letter tears filled my eyes but when I opened the package " Henry's knife " my heart shattered " Henry " I felt tears run down my cheeks. I walked to the kissing bridge Henry stood in front of the tunnel a giant bite mark on his shoulder and neck , glassy eyes with dried tears, blood dripping down his shirt. " Patrick " Henry smiled and held out his hand I stood there staring at him my heart beated faster as I walked towards him " Henry " Henry put his hands on my chest and I wrapped my arms around his waist we started into each other's eyes not moving an inch my tears fell onto Henry's cheeks as we kissed the sound of a approaching car filled my ears but I didn't move either did Henry the light consumed us but not breaking our kiss.

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