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( happy Easter everyone this will be short )

Henry pov

I can't fucking wait until we start throwing eggs at each other we all stood on the opposite side of each other belch held a purple egg then there's me I held an orange egg i know I'm not going to stand a chance mostly because vic is smart so he'll pick the strongest and dodge the eggs belch is knock us down then Patrick the cheating bastard " one...two...three...go!" Vic threw his egg at belch and belch threw his at vic me and Patrick threw ours at each other. Patrick wrapped his arms around my waist kissing me gently god fucking damn it I hate this but I also love this so I kissed him back suddenly I felt something crack over my head " you fucker!" I pushed him away and started to wipe my hair he pecked my cheek then slammed my egg over his head.

Patrick pov

Confetti fell from my hair carefully I put a egg in his shirt then slam my hand against it breaking it Henry jumped against my chest " so cute " he glared at me then slapped me " now I'm 100% more into you " I smiled big and kissed him surprisingly he kissed back but after pulling away he hit me in the face with the egg then it just turned into war with us belch and Vic were watching us. After our battle we laid in the grass Henry laid his head on my chest I pulled him close we relaxed as the sun started to set what a nice way to end this. 

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