Important note

897 16 4

I honestly didn't think I would make this thing but after a small wall of people not meaning to leave rude comments on my story here's some rules please follow them also yes I know I'm not good at writing but you don't have to tell me directly and yes there wasn't any rules before. 

- no hate comments even if they are going to sound rude they will be deleted 

- confused please DM me and ask your questions I'll be happy to answer them 

- please don't tell me how to write my stories or parts 

For requests

I don't mind writing sad parts for you or kinky things I'm happy to write smut or fluff for you just let me know which one and you're idea

Special thanks!

Thank you too

@hh402100 for the votes 

@Angel_Kitten257 for the votes 

@RJ8butJustCallMeRJ for the support

@fireryboy for support

@HarleenConner for voting

@pennybxtch for support

@Tiny_moon_alien for support 

@Depressed_Lzu for support 

@YouKnowIMakeYouHot for voting 

And thanks to the people who had this story onto their reading list.

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