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( I found out Henry had pigs bip and bop ) 


" mommy can I go to Henry's house with my friends " I asked looking up at her she turned to face me  " yes but be careful victor call me when you get there " mom said then she turned her attention back to the dishes. I ran upstairs to change clothes Henry loves to play outside more than he does inside especially because of the open space we love to play out in the field but we can't go very far since Hanlon owns half of it. 

Me, belch and Patrick walked down the road " what do guys think Henry is going to show us? " belch asked innocently I shrugged " probably a new record he got " Patrick said with a monotone voice we excitedly minus Patrick ran to Henry's house.

Henry came running out his house with a big smile " guys come look! " Henry almost squealed we looked at each other Henry ran past us to the field we followed him " Henry wait up! Patrick is falling behind! " I yelled looking back at Patrick who is somewhat running behind us. Once we got to the a pin Henry jumped over the pin " come on guys! " we jumped over the pin we've never seen Henry this happy before. 

Two little pigs walked towards Henry " pigs? " I questioned Henry smiled at me and nodded " this is bip and this is bop " Henry smiled belch can ran towards them petting bip " so cute! " Henry petted bop. Patrick adored Henry especially now he wrapped his arms around Henry staring at bop with envy I don't know why. 

Patrick POV 

Henry petted the pig bop and bip would look so nice in my fridge I thought to myself belch and Vic loved on bip " how did you get these piglets? " Vic asked " my old man let me have them " Henry said I hate the pigs but I can't do anything to them because Henry loves them fucking assholes I growled as I snuggled into Henry's neck. 

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