Bowers gang chat

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( so they all have random nicknames for each other and there's going to be different POV'S )

Henry POV 

Hockstetter🖕😍: guys I'm bored as hell!

Blonde🖕🖕: go kill animal or some shit then 

Belch 😇🚗: well we can go the movies or arcade 

Me🖕🔪: let's go torment the fucking losers


TheBoss👿: who the hell put a god damn fucking hole in my barn!? 😤😡

Me🙄: probably hockstetter

TheBoss👿: that bitch!

Patty😏😈: what did I do?

BabyBoyBaby😇👼: you putting a hole in Henry's barn

Patty😏😈: well I did put something in Henry's hole 😏😉

TheBoss👿: fuck you Patrick 🖕🖕🖕

Patrick POV

Babe😾🔪💗: Patrick I'm bored come over 

Me🔪: sure baby but you suck my cock when I come over 😏

Babe😾🔪💗: fine babe just hurry 

Vicky🖕🙄: I hope you two realized that your in the group chat 

Babe😾🔪💗: shit sorry 

Reginald🚗😇🤘: thank you Vic!

Vicky🖕🙄: I didn't need to know anymore

Belch POV 

Victor😍: guys were the fuck are you!? I leave to take a piss and you guys are gone what the fuck?!

Pat🔪😈: try and find us fucking Blondie

Victor😍: Patrick your a dick!

BowersTheBoss🖕: he knows he just doesn't care 

Me🤘🚗💗: Patrick pissed henry off then henry kicked him in the dick now Patrick is holding his dick saying why baby!? 

Victor😍: he deserves his dick kicked belch come pick me up but leave the boss and the psycho 

Me🤘🚗💗: alright see you soon

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