Say you hate me

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Henry POV 

A normal day at home me and Patrick sat next to each other until the door opened we both looked over the couch to see who it was but it was my dad and a woman with blond hair and grey blue eyes like me and dad " dad who's this? " I asked curiously " you're mom " I stared at my mom in shock " m-mom? " 

Do you really hate me
Do you really mean that
Tell me all your reasons
Tell me why you think like that

She cried and ran to hug me but I pushed her away and quickly retreated to Patrick with tears running down my cheeks " no you're not my mom! My mom left me because of me! " I could see the heart break in her eyes " Henry I did leave because of you " she walked towards us Patrick made sure she kept her distance between us " leave him alone whore! " Patrick snapped at her she was stunned by him " Henry my little angel " she said in a soft voice " no! " 

I guess that your friends
Were right from the start
When they thought that
I was bad guy
I never meant to make you leave
Never meant to make you cry
Never meant to be that guy
Never meant to make you sad
Never meant to make you stay
Never meant to make you mad
Never meant to make you care
All about me

Patrick shouted at mom to leave but she only ignored him I cried into Patrick's back dad walked over and grabbed my arm roughly " ow! " I whimpered " that hurts dad " I cried out " let him go Oscar! " mom and Patrick shouted dad slapped mom knocking her down Patrick pulled me away from him and held me close to his chest as I continued to cry I shouldn't be crying dad will beat me Patrick rubbed my back while growling at dad. 

Can you just say that you
Hate me
Or that you will never
Love me
Can you just say that you
Hate me
Or that you will never
Love me

Dad pulled me away from Patrick and forced him outside " you're such a fucking faggot Henry! " dad yelled at me as I cried then he hit me " you're a pathetic waste of space Henry! You shouldn't have been born! " he continued to yell at me " don't you yell at him! " mom yelled back at dad " shut up slut you ran away from him from your family " dad growled " we aren't a family " mom said they yelled at each other. 

I don't know how long it
Will take
Knowing that I won't ever be
The same
Waking up every morning
To that face
Asking if I really hate myself

I covered my ears so I don't have to hear their yelling " Henry " mom said gently she gently touched my arm I quickly moved away from her with tears in my eyes. " honey " mom whispered " he obviously doesn't want you here so leave " dad growled at her I quickly got up and ran into Patrick's arms " pat " I whimpered. 

Can you just say that you
Hate me
Or that you will never
Love me
Can you just say that you
Hate me
Or that you will never
Love me

We walked into Patrick's house I ran into his room Patrick following me " Henry you alright " he asked as he held onto my hand " I'm fine " I lied Patrick knew but he didn't say anything against it " you should get some sleep hank " I hated that nickname it's stupid and not even close to my name " yeah pattycake " he smiled and helped me out of my clothes " you know I could help you sleep~ " I blushed " knock it off man " I mumbled and climbed into his bed he laid next to me and held me close " I won't let them hurt you " he whispered into my ear but I know that's a lie I softly cried myself to sleep. 

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