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( happy birthday! @pennybxtch ) 

Henry POV 

" mom tell Malachi to leave me alone! " I looked into the rear view mirror Nicholas was pushing Malachi's hands away Patrick chuckled " Malachi leave your brother alone " Malachi didn't stop " Patrick tell your kid to stop " Patrick looked at me then looked at the rear view mirror " Malachi leave your brother alone Nic stop telling on your brother. " 

" wow great thanks for the help I appreciate it " Patrick looked at me " you're welcome honey bowers " honey bowers? What kind of fucking nickname is that? " ok honey badger are we there yet? " I only got a nod from my fuckhead boyfriend I never more wanted to slap the hell out of Patrick.

Soon as we parked the car and walked towards our cabin I noticed Malachi trying to catch a butterfly and Nicholas picked daisy aww how cute I wished I had something like that but my childhood and on going trauma isn't important the only important thing is be the parent I never for my children " hey boys hurry up and grab a room before mom takes all two of them " Patrick said with that shit eating grin Malachi and Nicholas came running into the cabin we both followed after them. 

Not bad it wasn't big or small either the living had a open review of the kitchen it was a small kitchen but that's fine I can work with it. I looked in each room the bathroom had a large sink and the shower cover was clear windows then our bedroom had a big bed and a  big closet inside two robes. 

" dad! We have a big bed too! " Nicholas ran into our room both Nicholas and Malachi climbed onto our bed and then started to jump on the bed they are definitely Patrick's kids " calm down kids " they fell back into the pillows. Patrick quickly scooped up the kids " hey there's a pool outside go change and meet us at pool " the kids eyes widen and ran to their room. 

We went outside to the pool Malachi and Nicholas jumped into to pool without taking their shirts off I chuckled and pushed Patrick into the pool " what the fu- " Patrick yelled as he fell into the pool I laughed along with the kids this is the perfect camping trip. 

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