The monster

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Henry pov

I slowly walked towards belch's car I stared at the ground I felt different I felt like Patrick why? I got in the car staring at my hands " so did your old man get on you about the knife? " I looked up at belch Vic had remained silent and Patrick stared at me from the backseat with Vic  " that fat fuck knows he touches me I'll rip his head off " silence filled the room " will you fucking dive thank you very fucking much " my hand laid on the side of my head belch sighed and started the car I didn't know where we are going or what we will be done but fuck it right? I turned on the radio when I heard a unfamiliar song play. 

The secret side of me, I never let you see

I keep it caged but I can't control it

So stay away from me, the beast is ugly

I feel the rage and I just can't hold it

This rage I have is from abuse and I can't hold it in I can't control this monster that i cage for so long this abuse has a hold on me why is the monster destroying me? 

It's scratching on the walls, in the closet, in the halls

It comes awake and I can't control it

Hiding under the bed, in my body, in my head

Why won't somebody come and save me from this, make it end?

I'm drowning my pain these chains are holding me down I can't break out why can't anyone help me? This loud roaring behind me scares me I'm scared of losing myself and I'm scared that my dad will beat me to death.

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin

I must confess that I feel like a monster

I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun

I must confess that I feel like a monster

My friends know I'm a monster , the losers know I'm a monster , everyone in this stupid fucking town knows I'm a monster and the real monster is near the edge of breaking free.

I, I feel like a monster

I, I feel like a monster

My secret side I keep hid under lock and key

I keep it caged but I can't control it

'Cause if I let him out he'll tear me up, break me down

Why won't somebody come and save me from this, make it end?

This secret I have is not unknown but the beast is ready to tear me down and break me I want to cry but the monster won't let me. 

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin

I must confess that I feel like a monster

I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun

I must confess that I feel like a monster

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin

I must confess that I feel like a monster

I, I feel like a monster

I, I feel like a monster

I always hate who I am but it's not my fault I have this abusive family my mother left when I was a kid I killed that outcast's dog and whitewashed Stanley's face until it bleeds and cut that fat kid's stomach and punched Patrick but I didn't feel bad that's how I was raised and they deserve it well maybe not Patrick. I'm a monster and I kinda like it. 

It's hiding in the dark, it's teeth are razor sharp

There's no escape for me, it wants my soul, it wants my heart

No one can hear me scream, maybe it's just a dream

Maybe it's inside of me, stop this monster

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin

I must confess that I feel like a monster

I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun

I must confess that I feel like a monster

No one gives a shit about me I know that as I stood over my dead friends their blood ran down my face god this is what I became a monster fuck. I glanced at the mirror and I see Patrick staring back at me with a flirtatious smirk he had lust in his eyes he slowly turned me around our blood covered  lips were smashed together he whispered in my ear monster.

I, I feel like a monster

I, I feel like a monster

I, I feel like a monster

I, I feel like a monster

I smirked at him " I'm a monster and I love it " his smile got bigger and he kissed me again " we both are monsters and we fucking love being the god damn monster " I chuckled our hands intertwined as we shared a passionate kiss.

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