Confession 4

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Vic POV 

" yo Henry " I barged into the living room smiling Henry sat on the couch his face in his hands " Henry? " I touched his shoulder he looked up at me with tears in his eyes I frowned and crouched in front of him " hey Henry let's go hang out " he nodded I wipes his tears. Henry stood up " I'm going to change " he said making his way back to his room i sat on the couch waiting for my poor sad gay friend Patrick walked by playing with his lighter " hey Vic have you seen Henry? " I looked up at him and shrugged he walked out the back. 

Henry walked out of his room wearing Patrick's Tom shirt, black jeans, and black hoodie " you look nice hen " I said expecting yelling from him but he didn't even rose his voice " thanks Vic " he smiled we left the house/studio. 

Henry POV 

I stared at the club and head inside burying myself into my hoodie " Vic?" I asked turning to look at Vic but he wasn't by my side " victor? " he was nowhere to be seen damn it so he left me in a gay bar great thanks asshole I tried to push pass a bunch of men but failed " damn it " I muttered under my breath then looked around to find the bar but strong men pretty attractive strong men blocked the way.

Once I finally got to the bar " hey cutie " a old man flirted I looked at him with unimpressed look " can I buy you a drink? " he asked in a flirty tone I thought about it " sure " I replied with slight happier tone he ordered my drink while we waited he started talking about his company or some shit but who gives a shit about what he was talking about once my drink was put in front of me I drank " wanna come back to my place? " he asked touching my thigh " not interested jackass " I growled. 

Soon as the man took a hint he left me alone a few guys come to me offering me a drink I agreed to the drinks anything else I ignored or tell them to go fuck themselves. They either stayed to try their luck again or left me alone I like that part one guy had the fucking guts to ask me to go to his house I said no then he started getting aggressive with me I flipped him off and threw my drink in his face making him leave. 

That's when I noticed Patrick walking towards me " hey hank " he called out smiling " what are you doing here? " I growled at him he shrugged then wrapped his arms around my waist burying his face into my neck " let's go home I'm done with this shitty bar " I said blushing Patrick instantly grabbed my hand pulling me out of the gay bar. Once we got home Patrick said " Vic and belch went out on their Valentine's Day date " that's why he left me because he's going on a date with belch and I'm a single fuck that's kinda sweet I guess " romantic " I said walking back to my room but Patrick grabbed my hand pulling him to his room " Patrick no not tonight " he didn't say anything just kept pulling me. 

" Patrick! No! " I growled at him he stopped then turned to face me " relax I'm crazy but not that crazy " he giggled damn that fucking asshole he let go of my hand then back around reaching under his bed " um Patrick? " I felt uncomfortable once I saw he face light up he quickly turned to face me holding something behind his back " hold out your hand " he grinned " better not be a dead animal " I hissed at him. He rolled his eyes I held out my hands he puts a small box in my hands I looked up at him nervously then opened the box a necklace laid inside with the initials HB and PH I blushed starting at the necklace " that's not all " he took out the necklace and lifted the cover of the box to reveal a switchblade that was like my old man's but cleaner.

Then Patrick took the box away from me and threw it on his bed he grabbed my waist pushing me to the bathroom where a large tub filled with bubbles and the color water wasn't a blue it was a light shade of pink "for me how romantic " I chuckled Patrick took off my clothes then his " I know I'm romantic henny " he said laughing while getting into the tub I followed right after him sitting on his lap. 

I leaned against Patrick's chest relaxing as pat played with my hair his nails scratched my scalp causing me to moan " what a lovely sound " he teased " shut up you motherfucker " I laughed he chuckled holding me closer to him " thanks pat " he only hummed I smiled feeling loved and safe. 

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