Hockstetter's pet part 3

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Patrick pov 

I'm happy I finally having the pet I always wanted I couldn't be any more happier my adorable little kitten curled into a small ball aww he looks so beautiful and adorable! I petted Henry he made a soft noise I chuckled and pecks his cheek but after I got up and put a leach into Henry's collar " Henry get up " he mumbled something under his breath so I pulled on the leach causing Henry to fall off the bed.

He fall with a loud thud " shit!" I chuckled and helped him up " be a good boy and don't fight " I walked downstairs to the kitchen I took off Henry's clothes then threw them away and put an apron on Henry " damn Henry you look hot! " Henry glared at me and growled but didn't say anything. " go ahead and cook for me darling " he groaned annoyed and started to cook.

I sat down at the table Henry was about to sit down until I stopped him " no no pets at the table the floor " I smiled Henry looked at me with anger in his eyes " pet? Do I look like a fucking dog!? " he growled I chuckled " yes now. Get. Down. Now " I growled at him. He sat beside the dog dishes I smiled down at him and poured some of eggs into the food bowel " eat with your mouth  bowers " I said as I poured orange juice into the water dish. 

Henry hesitated but ate the eggs like the pet he is I chuckled as I watched him lap at the orange juice how adorable. I got everything I wanted a nice house, a pet also my bought, a stable job but there's still another thing I want and need to correct if I'm going to make mine and Henry's life perfect. 

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