Hanging out

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Henry's POV

I heard Patrick enter my room and gave me a peck on my cheek " Vic is coming over " I noticed he said that annoyed it was kinda cute. Patrick kept kissing my neck i let out a soft moan as he tried to do my sweet spot but failed I started to laugh but got cut off by my own moan I felt him smirk against my neck he was about to keep going down but when my door burst open our heads turn to see who it is. Vic stood in the doorway " hey how y'all do-" he was cut off by Patrick growling like a dog making Vic scream like a fucking girl I couldn't help but laugh " get your fucking dog bitch!" I looked at him trying to contain my laughter " it don't bite " Patrick looked at me giving me a did you really called me an it look " yes it do!" Vic yelled out causing Patrick to look at vic angrily then started to growl again that's when I was laughing so hard my sides started to hurt.

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