Affair part 3 ( the end )

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Henry POV 

Here I am at the front door of hell " Patrick I told you I didn't want him here! " Jessica yelled  " and I told you I don't give a shit what you want or think especially when it comes to Henry " Patrick yells back I banged on the door  " Then go marry him! " she screamed the sound of footsteps come to the door " fine idea! I'm going to fuck him while I'm at it! " Patrick yelled back the door swung open the bitch pushes me out of the way with a growl. Patrick pulled me into the house slamming the door closed " god she's such a bitch " he mumbled wrapping his arm around my waist kissing my cheek I smiled. 

We sat on the couch pat's fingers tangled in my hair while we watched Bambi Patrick laughed at the scene where Bambi's mom died " god your such a ass " I said cuddling into his chest Patrick rubbed my back. 

" so where did your bitch go? " I mumbled into his chest " ran off because she doesn't like you but I don't care what she thinks or wants " he said messing with my mullet kissing my cheek I sat up " knock it off man " I laughed he smiled rubbing my hips. " you're so handsome you know that " he chuckled kissing my chest " I know pat " I played with his hair " I love you henry " he said in a serious tone " I know pattycake " we kissed. 

Jessica POV 

" god my husband is being careless it's been our first month of our marriage " I said with annoyance Carrie stared at me with sympathy " I think he's cheating Jess " she said I looked at her with wide eyes " w-what? Why would you say that? " I stared at her. She looked down I think feeling ashamed or upset " well I saw him at a guy's house and at a restaurant " she said with concern I scoffed " No it's just his friend Henry Bowers " she looked at me with sympathy what if that's true? Is he cheating or something else? 

~ 4 years later ~ 

Patrick POV 

I signed the papers in front of me Jessica sitting next me not looking at me " there " I said standing up leaving the house grabbing my suitcase Henry stood outside kicking rocks " hey hank " I said kissing his cheek he smiled " hey pat " we walked towards Henry's apartment Henry went to unlock the door I pressed against his body pressing him against the door " wait until we get inside " he squeaked " fine babe " I pulled away from him Henry unlocked the door then opened it. 

Henry's apartment was a small the kitchen was smaller part of the apartment but still nice  everything was clean at least butch did one thing good in his life was showing him independence I picked up an old photo of those damn pigs Bip and Bop " your pigs? Can't we just get you some pugs it's the same thing " Henry looked at me " it's not the same thing " he hissed " so pugs it is " I wrapped my arms around his waist still holding the photo " you can name them honey " I nip at his ear he smiled and played with m hair " bip and bop " he said smiling " of course baby " I laughed. 

~ 4 months later ~ 

Henry POV 

I snuggled into Patrick's chest while he was watching Netflix my phone the door was pushed open two little pugs ran in jumping onto the bed licking Patrick's face " damn it Bop stop it " he said with a grin " patty be a good boyfriend and get donuts " I said burying my face into his chest " I don't know  " he rubs my back Bip barked " Bip wants donuts " he let a sigh and pat my back " fine you two are the death of me " I smiled and kissed his cheek " we know " he kisses me rubbing my back. 

Patrick POV 

" thank you " I grabbed the box then paid Henry, Bip and Bop should be happy about this especially Henry. 

I set the box down on the table in front of Henry " here you go baby " Henry smiled and kissed my cheek while opening the box " Henry you are the love of my life and I want to spend the rest of my life with you " I said grabbing his hand he stared at me then looked at the ring sticking out of the donut " holy shit! Yes you fuck! " he yelled and tackled me kissing me I wrapped my arms around his waist kissing back. 

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