Movie night

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( this is a squeal of Halloween enjoy )

Patrick pov 

I laughed at Henry " holy shit you look fucking adorable Rey " Henry glared at me " shut up emo dickhead " I kept laughing and laid my head on his shoulder snuggling into his neck. " but I'm your emo dickhead " he fixed his dress holy shit his cute body! 

 " but I'm your emo dickhead " he fixed his dress holy shit his cute body! 

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( Henry's costume) 

I kisses Henry's cheek repeatedly " you look so hot! And sexy! That tight dress fits you perfectly! " Henry smiled slightly " I know I am " I chuckled and kissed him repeatedly " Patrick you honestly don't look any different " he chuckled. 

( Patrick's costume) 

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( Patrick's costume) 

Henry pov 

I kissed Patrick smiling " your still hot babe " he smiled and kissed me " I love you baby " I smiled  " I love you too pattycake " we sat on the couch and Patrick turned on the tv getting distracted by his favorite movie I crossed my arms watching at least half of it then I got bored " Patrick " he covered my mouth " shh babe " I growled in annoyance and climbed into his lap " babe babe babe babe! " he hit me with a pillow gently " shut up Henry I'll play with you later " already reached my annoyance I turned off the tv " Henry! What the fuck! Turn it back on! " Patrick yelled at me " no " he tried to reach for the remote but I held it out thank god I'm on his lap so his long ass arm can't reach it because I leaned backwards.

Patrick picked me up from his lap and threw me onto the couch then climbed on top of me reaching for the remote his long arms could easily grab the remote so anytime he could even graze it I kneeled him in the stomach " Henry stop that " he glared at me " no! " I squirmed underneath him " Henry! " I turned around quickly laying on top of the remote.

" Henry your being childish give me the remote now" I shook my head " fuck no " he grabbed my arms roughly putting my arms behind my back. " let me go! " I yelled " then get off the fucking remote now!" I got up giggling to myself Patrick grabbed the remote letting go of my arms and turned on the tv. His favorite movie was over his face went from a smile to a shocked and finally to an angry look his head snapped to me " you motherfucker! " I got up and ran for it.

" get your ass back here! " Patrick yelled from the living room " no! " I ran to Patrick's room quickly slamming the door and pressed my body against the door. Patrick tried to open the door and slammed his body against the door repeatedly " shit shit shit shit " Patrick is stronger than I thought he slam his body against the door causing the door to open pushing me to the floor. " you son of a bitch! " I turned around " true but not the point " he growled and threw me into the bed and climbed on top of me. 

Vic pov 

Me and belch already walked insided Patrick's house like usual the remote was thrown on the floor batteries were spread apart god damn! I walked to Patrick's room I found Patrick's costume on the floor and Henry's were down the hall. Both of them were in bed Patrick holding Henry close to his side Henry's hair is messy as hell so was Patrick's hair I put two and two together quickly the minute I saw the remote and Henry's costume " let's go belch " we both left.

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