Prank gone wrong

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( this idea came from @_psycho_idiot )

Henry pov 

Damn Patrick he needs to be taught a lesson I thought about a prank to pull on him suddenly I got an idea I remember that Patrick doesn't pay attention to what he wears expeclly after a shower he's relax after a shower so I ran to a woman's store and bought a purple crop top and jean cut offs then for the final piece of the prank I also bought red lace panties and makeup the cashier looked at me " so your girlfriend must be really special huh? " I took out the money " yeah my boyfriend is really special he's so special that he's getting a surprise " I grabbed the two bags and rushed to my shared apartment " hey hockstetter " I found him sitting on the couch watching the roadrunner and the coyote he laughed watching the coyote's plan backfired he's head shot up to look at me " hey babe! What did you get? " he got up and wrapped his arms around my waist giving me a bunch of kisses making me smile " it's nothing babe I just got things for me " he shrugged and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck I played with his hair lovingly he made a purring noise then grabbed my ass that's when I pulled away he whined then  he went back to watch his cartoons I swear he has short attention span but oh well I quickly rushed to our room and put the two bags in a place he'll never find I laughed suddenly I was spined around by Patrick he gave me a kiss " come cuddle with me babe " he whined " fine hon " I threw me over my shoulder then threw me on the bed I felt the bed sink in then an arm wrapped around my waist. I turned around and kissed pat he kissed back " can we order pizza? "   I shrugged " sure " I grabbed my phone then walked into the kitchen. 

Patrick pov

I laid on our bed waiting for Henry to get off the phone I noticed that there was someone sticking out curiously I got up and pulled out the two bags the same two bags that Henry brought in oh well henry won't mind if I take a peek so I opened the bags and I saw a purple crop top, red laced panties, makeup, and jean cut offs so my little kitty is trying to get back at me for my last prank I smiled evilly as I put the bags up again and laid on the bed my little coyote's plan is going to fail. Henry walked back and laid on my back " babe the pizza will be here in 35 minuets " I nodded " well come give me some fun while we wait~ " he smiled then pulled my pants and licked up my shaft I groaned and ran my fingers through his hair he looked up at me then deep throated my cock " fuck~ Henry~ " I gripped on his hair as he sucked me off I moaned out loud Henry stroke the rest that couldn't fit in his mouth I groaned in pleasure fuck he looks so hot when he sucking me off. We heard the door being knocked of I groaned in annoyance Henry pulled my dick out of his mouth and walked to the door I heard them talk then the door closed " babe pizza is here! " I quickly got up then pulled up my pants " alright kitten " I ran to Henry and kisses his neck he moaned softly I stole his slice of pizza then he made a small grunt I looked at him and he has an angry look on his face I gave him a kiss on the nose he smiled slightly then I ate the slice of pizza.

Henry pov 

Me and Patrick ate pizza for dinner " hey pattycake let's shower before bed " he looked at me and nodded because he had his mouth full of pizza I chuckled at him he rolled his eyes and kissed my cheek god I love this idiot but I have to remember my mission! We got up and cleaned the table throwing away the pizza box then walked to our room we didn't bother to grab our pjs since it was late. I turned on the shower we both took off our clothes I felt something slap my ass I looked at Patrick but he was looking away " dickhead " he looked at me with a smile " says the one that had my dick in his mouth " I blushed as I got into the shower then Patrick got in after me.

~ time skip after the shower ~ 

Patrick pov

I got out of the shower first my plan to backfire Henry's plan is a go I carefully pulled out the clothes and makeup out of the bag and put some of my pjs that I never wear in the bags I set them under the bed Henry walked out of the bathroom looking tired I chuckled " you look very tired babe let me help you put on your pjs " he shook his head but I pulled him close to me and took of his towel I picked up the crop top and put on him it wasn't suspicious since he already wears crop tops to bed he's so cute in it then I put the panties on him now for the jean cut offs I slipped them on him I noticed right away he fell asleep I smiled evilly as I picked up the makeup luckily I knew how to put on makeup since I put makeup on vic and gard a lot so I carefully put the makeup on Henry holy shit he looks so fucking sexy! Fuck I can't take it anymore he's making me horny I took his clothes off but the panties I moved them out of the way and slowly entered him he made a soft moan. I slowly started to thrust into him later on I saw him staring at me while moaning he wrapped his arms around my neck I got rough with him " you look a sexy whore~ " he held onto me and moaned loudly " harder!~ " I thrusted harder he threw his head back in pleasure I smiled " you love my cock that much slut~ " oh shit he tightened around my dick it started to get hard to fuck him I tried to find that sweet spot when suddenly he screamed in pleasure I smiled " oh~ looks like I found something~ " I thrusted faster into the spot he screamed my name out loud kissing the back of his neck making him moan louder he came on our chest. After a few hard thrust I came inside him with a loud groan then collapsed on top of Henry I gave him a kiss he kissed me back " I love you so much " he said between panting " I love you too hockstetter " I smiled and held him close to me I smirked " wanna go for another round?~" Henry blushed and nodded. 

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