Messages part 3

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Henry pov 

Vic🙄🖕: Henry why am I watching over your kids and boyfriend?

Me: I don't have enough money for a babysitter and I don't trust Patrick alone with them they should be easy to watch Malachi has a temper like me so he'll get angry at one point but just leave him alone until it's his bed time. Nicholas should be easy he likes to play so just play with him he'll get cranky about 1:00 so put him down at that time or earlier. Patrick is a punk bitch so ignore him

Vic🙄🖕: sounds like a lot 

Me: its not only with Patrick it is I'll see you later vic 

Vic🙄🖕: bye 

Pattycake❤️😘🎂: babe why did you leave me alone with Vic and belch I'm capable of watching our kids 

Me: I'll ask Avery 

Pattycake♥️😘🎂: that's a low blow babe that was in the past

Me: the past? You still kill animals! 

Pattycake❤️😘🎂: you know me so well babe 😘

Pattycake❤️😘🎂: it itcticitxirxitxitchl  ot cotxotdosstdoyvouv

Me: the fuck? 

Pattycake❤️😘🎂: sorry babe Nicholas is sitting on my lap 

Me: cute 😍 

Pattycake❤️😘🎂: like you ❤️

Me: of course they got it from me 

Pattycake❤️😘🎂: then what do they get from me?

Me: the fuck you meam? Malachi is the exact copy of you just with my personality 

Pattycake❤️😘🎂: that's good enough 

Me: good I wasn't going to argue with you 

Pattycake❤️😘🎂: hgsjlybmfgbitrcwqn ymfudg ttfuckccktctlctkcktxu zuu luv yo yo  o lu ul

Me: Nicholas?

Pattycake: actually Malachi

Me: put them to bed hockstetter 

Pattycake: fine baby 

Blech🤟 💪: Henry Malachi and Nicholas are fighting over a toy 

Me: take the toy and give them to Patrick with their pacifier 

Belch🤟💪: alright Henry how's visiting your mom?

Me: not as bad as I thought 

Belch🤟💪: when are you coming back?

Me: next week don't worry I'll take both my kids and that idiot away so you and Vic can get laid 

Belch🤟💪: I don't know what your talking about 😅

Me: sure 😑 

Me: I'll see you guys next week behave 

Belch: I'll tell Patrick that 

Me: good 👍 

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