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( I'm sorry I had to do a crossover with stranger things ) 

Henry POV 

God I hate this stupid fucking job! Me and Steve wore a sailor outfit I couldn't care about the outfit but the damn shorts are too short they end at mid thigh I hate it but Steve didn't mind it. Steve had the biggest smile on his face " henry I'm throwing a party but its a costume party if your coming then wear a costume " I shrugged " I'll come i got nothing better to do " Steve's smile grew I knew booze was gonna be there another reason why I'm going. 

~ time skips to Henry's house ~

I didn't have any costumes sooo either I get a costume and get drunk or stay home and sleep. A soft sigh left my lips as I grabbed my phone typing to Patrick but before I could send the message Patrick sent me a text.

Hey sexy kitty wanna fuck? 

... no 

Aw I would love to make you scream Henry ❤️😘

Your fucking disgusting but on that note I'm headed to Harrington's party are you going?

Hell yah! What's your costume? A sexy demon? You can take my soul 😘

Patrick I don't have a costume can you buy me a costume? 

Sure babe I'll be over in 30 ❤️

Thanks 💙

I waited more than 30 minuets that fucking dick I picked up my phone about to call Patrick... again but knocking on the door stopped me from calling " that better be him with a good excuse " I opened the door Patrick stood in front of me taller than he was in school his long black hair fell in front of his eyes. His scent was a mixture of cologne and cigarette his long black hair fell in front of his face as he leaned down close to my face I felt my face heat up as my heart beated faster. He wore a black leather jacket matching his black jeans with patches on it his shirt was a plain white shirt also he wore wolf ears and a tail " are you gonna stare at me or are you going to get dress babe? " he broke me from my thoughts " y-yeah " I studdered softly as I grabbed my costume from him. 

Patrick pov 

I sat on Henry's couch completely bored " hurry up Henry! " I yelled then I heard a crash " shut up! Hockstetter!" I couldn't tell if Henry threw something or knocked something over but I shrugged it off. Henry stepped out of his room wearing a revealing short red and black dress, black tights that showed off his legs, black boots along with a long red cape and a basket " hot " I looked him up and down " shut it let's go " we both walked to my car I helped my boyfriend inside and closed the door after him then got inside the drivers seat and drove to Steve's party.

~ time skip to Steve's house party ~

A lot of fucking people were dancing and drinking Henry grabbed my arm gently " I swear you fuck someone I'm going to kill you " Henry threatened me but he knows I wouldn't I'm not a douche or a cheating prick " I only want you babe " he smiled and kissed me gently as I kissed him back passionately. We went our separate ways I drank while I was dancing having fun I felt someone pull on my jacket so I turned around to face a redhead girl wearing some type of plant costume " hey baby~ " the girl flirted I growled in annoyance " hey " I responded I looked around for Henry " why don't you come upstairs with me~" I looked down at her " you see that boy over there " I pointed to Henry " I would rather plant my seed into him~ he's ready to be fertilized~ " I licked my lips and chuckled " I'm going to plant my roots into him~ " I walked towards Henry wrapping my arms around his waist kissing his neck.

Henry pov 

I looked for Steve but I found him walking upstairs with Billy Hargrove along with tommy something oh well Steve is going to complain tomorrow about his ass for sure I chuckled to myself as I felt arms wrapped around my waist and light kisses on my neck I looked at Patrick and started to play with his hair " stop kissing and give me a drink " Patrick did what I said so I rewarded him with a kiss then we went dancing.

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