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( this as been in my head for the past week let me know if I should add on to this ) 

Henry pov 

I flopped onto my couch in my tiny ass apartment " man I wished I actually did pay attention in class or at least went to college " I chuckled to myself I noticed some old mail I carelessly threw on my table so I started to go through them when I noticed a wedding invitation for Patrick fucking hockstetter and his bride Jessica Evans. I remember Patrick we used to date through middle school to high school in secret of course my old mad would have beaten the faggot out of me but we broke up after he went into college before he left I remember him saying " once I get out of this shitty place I'll come back to you and we can run away or something like that " then we shared our last kiss I guess he met the bitch while he was in college and forgot about me. I kept reading the invite the writing at the bottom caught my eye Patrick's handwriting still sucks I thought as I read " a dinner party? The fuck? Did this asshole want to apologize or met his fucking bride? " only one way to find out so I got ready I didn't want to be fancy so I wore a grey button up and blue ripped jeans with my lovely light brown boots I fixed my mullet my eyes went to a old picture of me when I was 16 holy shit! I still look the same I wonder what Patrick looks like now does he still have his long hair? Is he still taller? Why is he marrying the slut and not me? Why did he lie to me? So many questions went flying in my head " calm down Henry I'm sure it's just a plan of Patrick to get me to come back or to find me " maybe yeah maybe worry flowed my mind as I went to my car and started to drive to the restaurant it was a pretty nice place but fancy I scoffed as much I want to turn around and throw the invite out then live my life but damn it I have to see Patrick. I walked inside instantly I saw Patrick and a brunette lady that wore a pretty short pink dress jealously and anger flooded my body god I want to kill her! 

Patrick pov 

I noticed my beloved Henry making his way over to me and my soon to be bride Henry glared at me but mostly at Jessica. Damn Henry hasn't changed a bit still has that mullet and same style my personal favorite his personality mostly his anger my eyes wondered down his body god I want to slam him down onto this table rip off the fucking button up shirt and fuck him but I have to control myself so we sat the awkwardness was very uncomfortable Jessica tried to make conversation with Henry but he didn't reply he just glared at her. I smiled at Henry and he flipped my off yup the same good old Henry Bowers I moved my hand onto Henry's knee slowly rubbing his knee to his thigh the butterflies in my stomach come back as I touched Henry's thigh he didn't move or slap my hand but just looked at me and smiled.

Henry pov 

I felt butterflies when I felt Patrick's hand on my thigh god it feels like when he caught my attention before we were dating damn it why did he dress like a fucking ken doll he wore a black suit and the shirt underneath is my favorite color red. Suddenly Patrick grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom then kissed me with passion fuck I missed Patrick a lot. " Henry I love you a lot honestly I don't want to marry her but I have this thought while I was in college that someone won your heart so I dated her I'm not the one who proposed to her it all her but I only want to be with you " I smiled and kissed him soon as we pulled away Patrick locked the bathroom door then kissed my neck " fuck~" Patrick unzipped his zipper and took off his belt taking out his dick I hesitated but I put his dick in my mouth bobbing my head soaft groans filled my ears as I bobbed my head. Patrick gently pulled my hair and started to fuck my mouth causing me to gag not going to lie I'm enjoying it. God I missed this I missed Patrick and his cock I can't forget about his long ass hair I hope he leaves the whore and comes back to me. Patrick stared down at me as I sucked him my heart skipped a beat when Patrick pulled my hair roughly tears filled my eyes I love this a lot. Patrick shot his load in my mouth but kept his dick in my mouth I immediately realized that Patrick wants me to swallow with his dick inside my mouth I didn't mind so I did it he let out a low growl making my heart drop. With a smile he said " god your so beautiful like this Henry" and took a picture of his dick inside my mouth then pulled out and put his dick away " Henry I want this to continue our relationship but in secret this could be fun going behind Jessica's back " the fuck? Well I don't want to lose Patrick again maybe if I still did shit like this Patrick will come back to me " fine " Patrick smiled and kissed my cheek repeatedly causing me to chuckle. We walked back acting like nothing happened after sitting down I felt Patrick's hand on mine I couldn't help but smile this could be fun. 

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