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( this new character is owned by @bowersgangboi6 the credit goes to them you're the best! Also this new character is only going to be in this own unless the creator says it's alright that I can make more with the character. Malachi is owned by me and Nicholas is owned by me and my friend )  

Nicholas POV 

I smiled playing with Lucifer then my twin brother Malachi yelled at amber " I know you touched my fucking bugs! " amber shrugged " I didn't touch your stupid fucking bugs Malachi it was probably dad or Nicholas " amber said crossing her arms while looking annoyed " I know it was you amber! Nicholas hates bugs! Dad isn't allowed to touch my damn bugs! " I watched Malachi and amber yell at each other.

Henry POV 

I watched my two kids yell at each other from the window " I'm done with kids Patrick " I said while turning to look at him Patrick sat on the couch his feet on the coffee table playing with a Rubik's cube while the news played in the background. Nicholas burst through the door " mom! Amber and Malachi are fighting " I looked at Nicholas then at my two kids " well Nicholas your brother and sister take stupidity after your dad " I said then I heard the couch shift " hey! " Patrick's voice perked up I smirked while watching my son Malachi and daughter Amber fighting in mud.

" looks like we have to hose them down " Nicholas said while looking out the window watching Malachi and amber fight I nodded " yup Patrick go stop your kids " I heard Patrick mumbled and walked outside I watched both Malachi and Amber stopped frighting looking at Patrick who is holding a hose the two copies of my husband started to argue with each other again then Patrick sprayed them the perfect cycle. 

After an hour Patrick walked inside with a big smile on his face " what happened? " I said from the couch " you know spraying our two lovely children " Patrick said with a chuckle " but I think Amber is scared of water " Patrick's voice sounded concerned " mom! " Malachi and amber burst into the house soaking wet still yelling at each other. I turned around to look at them " yes kids? " both Amber and Malachi stopped arguing and looked at me " mom this fucking liar touched my bugs again! " Malachi yelled " I didn't touch your damn little fuckers " Amber yelled back soon as she said that Malachi made a shocked face " those little fuckers are better than a girl who is scared of fucking water! You're such a pussy sis " I put my hands up " amber don't touch your brother's bugs and Malachi be nice to your sister " they both crossed their arms looking away " now go to your rooms " they both nodded and went to their rooms " Patrick we're going to a motel for a night I need a stress reliever call Vic and belch " Patrick quickly went to the phone I need this twins and girl are a pain in the ass along with my husband but I love my family. 

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