The New Night Guard

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( Part 2 Also! The ghost children are NOT possessing the animatronics! Sorry for the long wait )

Day 2

I raised the spoon up to my lips some of the milk leaked onto my bottom lip.

" Today marks the anniversary of the tragic disappearance that occurred in the local Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria the missing children: Gabriel, Jeremy, Susie, Fritz, and Cassidy " the young newsman said in a sympathetic tone. I nodded shoving the spoon into my mouth " Missing kids? Is that what he meant by missing people? What kind of fucked up shit is happening in that pizzeria? " I said with a mouthful of cereal.

I stood in front of the pizzeria staring at that fucking hideous bear " God I fucking hate that shitty bear " I grumbled " Shitty! " a voice yelled. I glanced over to see a little girl looking at me with a big smile " Fuck....Don't say shit like that I can say it because I'm grown man you can't " I explained " Shit fuck " she calmly said that's when I gave up " Yeah good girl now go tell your dad or mom that " I said walking into the building looking around hoping to find that asshole on the phone.

Soon as I stand in the party room? Dinning area? I don't fucking know the place with the fucking tables and stage is. No kids are around just some of the staff cleaning up the mess from the party from before. I glanced over at the stage at the damn animatronics they seem to be staring back at me " How about I not get paranoid before my shift " I think out loud when a certain closed curtain caught my attention.

My immediate thought is to not open the damn thing if I want to keep my head or job " Fuck it " I say walking over to the curtain. I grabbed the edge of the curtain pulling it open staring at one of animatronics I haven't seen before or at least haven't seen last night " Oh " I mumble staring at his hook for a hand slowly moving my eyes up to the rest of his body.

His short shady black hair fell to the back of his neck? Like the others the ends were dyed a light-dark red it kinda looked hot. He wore a pirate hat with two big red ears on the side of the hat, his clothes were torn with a red overcoat to cover the majority of the shreds, and black boots on his hip was a sword that was being held up by a scarf? The fuck even is that? Whatever his eye were a grey-green and the other was a golden yellow that is kinda sexy I guess. Just like the other ones he also had eyeshadow but it was a dark red fading into a light red with some glitter. I glanced down at my watch " Shit " I closed the curtain hurrying to the maintenance room to clock in then hurried to the office where I sat down my backpack taking out a few snacks and energy drink sitting back into the chair putting my feet up onto the desk looking at the tablet in my lap " If I die tonight I'm going to be pissed off " I growled.


On time the phone rang I sat there groaning in annoyance " I fucking hate this shit! " I yelled into the empty office while stuffing my face with some chips.

Uhh, Hello? Hello? Uh, well, if you're hearing this and you made it to day two, uh, congrats! I-I won't talk quite as long this time since  Uhh, it might be a good idea to peek at those cameras while I talk just to make sure everyone's in their proper place. You know...

Yeah yeah I know how to do my fucking job I thought while glancing through the cameras only to notice the bunny bitch moved. " Fuck " I growled in annoyance I flipped through the cameras stopping at the dinning room that bunny motherfucker is standing in the middle of the room staring into the camera " Creepy ass robotic bunny bastard " I shivered.

Uh... Interestingly enough,  I heard he becomes a lot more active in the dark though, so, hey, I guess that's one more reason , right? I-I also want to emphasize the importance of using your door lights.  So if-if you can't find something, or someone, on your cameras, be sure to check the door lights. Uh, you might only have a few seconds to react... Uh, not that you would be in any danger, of course. I'm not implying that.

So the bunny moves first then the damn bear but not as often I nodded figuring it out " I just have to worry about the bunny that should be no problem....Hopefully. " I muttered looking at the camera reaching for my energy drink opening then pressing the drink to my lips.

" Also, check on the curtain in Pirate Cove from time to time.


The character in there seems unique in that he becomes more active if the cameras remain off for long periods of time. I guess he doesn't like being watched. I don't know. Anyway, I'm sure you have everything under control! Uh, talk to you soon."

I nearly spat out my drink I slammed down the energy drink coughing " Fucking shit! " I coughed. That fox thing moves too? The fuck to it being out of order? I flipped the camera to the Pirate Cove the curtains were partly open the head of that fox was peeking out staring at the camera " Fuck that is creepy " I mumbled flipped to the hallway seeing the bunny standing in the hallway " Of fucking course " I leaned back in the chair pressing the light to my left nothing there next to my right again nothing there.


I glanced at my power 69% left not bad " I'm going to fucking die tonight " I exclaimed loudly flipping through the camera on the damn west hall that bunny was gone " Fuck " I glanced at the the left door listening to the heavy footsteps " Oh hell no! " I yelled pressing the door button closing the door. I leaned back into my chair panting a bit " Fuck you! " I yelled at the door.

After that bunny bitch left and went somewhere in the damn place I pressed the button opening the door. I leaned back in the chair trying to relax " Ok Henry it's only two in the morning that's like four more hours you got this "  I mumbled to myself trying to calm my nerves. 


Nothing else happened besides me thinking the damn bear moved slightly " Does that fuck ever move? " I questioned staring at the camera that was facing the stage. Wait the fuck was that noise I thought as the sound of something heavy was hitting the ground at a fast pace " Oh shit " I finally realizing what that sound was I quickly flipped the camera to the hallway that fox thing ran by " SHIT! " I yelled throwing the camera to the side as I quickly got up and reached for the door button. 

I glanced out the window catching a glimpse of that fast fucker " Shit! Shit! Shit! Fucking Shit! " the more I stared the more I could make out his figure. The fox's eye glowed so did the tips of his hair " Creepy ass fox " I mumbles. He got closer by the second soon he stood in front me looking down our eyes meeting. 

His mouth opened showing me his sharp teeth his one eye still glowed my heart beat faster so did my breathing. He rested his hooked hand onto the side of the door as my hand grazed the door button " Got...You..." the fox grinned then let out a loud disgusting scream. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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