Phone call

598 22 14

( sorry this is short ) 

Patrick POV 

I'm so bored I wonder what Henry is doing probably sleeping I turned on my phone smiling at my home screen wallpaper which is Henry sleeping he was cuddling with a pillow which is funny because he's not affectionate when he's awake but he is when he sleeps it's adorable I went typed in his number in my phone calling him hearing the ring I hummed waiting. 

Henry POV 

" fucking ringing " I sat up rubbing my eyes then threw the pillow on the floor then reached over to grab my phone " Patrick? What the fuck does he want? " I answered and held the phone to my ear. 

" hello? " 

" hey baby what are you wearing? " Patrick purred into the phone.

I blushed then looked at my clothes I was wearing one of Patrick's shirts and my boxers " none of your business fucker " I mumbled blushing. 

" I'm going to guess it's one of my shirts that you like and your favorite boxers with your adorable messy hair " I couldn't see him smiling but I knew he was.

" fuck you pat " I muttered embarrassingly 

" are you forgetting I'm top Henry~ " he purred into my ear I blushed darker not funny Patrick 

" I'm not a bottom bitch hockstetter see you at home " I hung up blushing damn asshole.

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