After school

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Henry pov 

I leaned against the school wall with my gang watching everyone get their backpacks and walk to the front door all excited for summer break big fucking deal when trashmouth, girly boy , bill , and Stan walked by I noticed when trashmouth walked by Patrick licked his lips I growled under my breath he and belch smiled but me and Vic we glares at them soon as Greta passed by to the girls bathroom we walked after them but I motion to Patrick to head through the front door he nodded and broke away from us so me, vic and belch walked out through a side door I spotted the losers we walked over I noticed Patrick speed walking behind them I grabbed Richie's backpack and pulled him back. Richie hit Stan they both got knocked out Patrick crouched down beside and picked up Stan's hat " nice freebie flamer " stan reached up to get that stupid hat but Patrick stood up and throw it into a moving bus then smiled at me and I smiled back " fuck you losers!" Patrick said with amusement. Then blech burped in Eddie's face then pushed him I started to walk away bumping shoulders with bill belch and Patrick followed after me vic is already at the car suddenly a voice perked up " you s-s-s-suck bowers! " I turned around and the others did the same thing " you s-s-say something b-b-billy? " I walked closer to bill I felt Patrick's eyes on me " you got a free ride this year cause of you're little brother, rides over dembrough " I heard a radio my eyes looked up and saw my dad standing there he took off his glasses giving me a glare feeling scared I looked down " this summer is going to be a hurt training for you and your faggot friends " I brought my hand to my lips and licked my hand then wipes my hand on bill's cheek I couldn't punch him fucking abusive dickhead getting in the way we walked to the car I felt belch lightly hit my back as we walked to the car.

~ after the drive to Henry's house ~

I sat in the tall grass alone while smoking a cigarette my eyes landed on Patrick I watched him be  well Patrick belch and Vic threw cans at Patrick and Patrick tried to hit them with some random bat he found he laughed and smiled he clearly is having fun but a white dog caught my attention  I know that dog and the owner I looked back at my friends but they kept playing. I got up and walked towards the dog the mutt looked at me it slowly made it's way towards me the started to sniff me I smiled petting the dog feeling comfort and safe that I've never felt before. The dog laid on my lap wagging his tail i knew it was happy and I was happy too footsteps came towards me the dog perked up curiously I looked back and Patrick stood over me his shadow casted over me " so Henry bowers plays with the outcast dog huh? " I shook my head but he only smiled " no it just walked up to me " I know I'm fucked but Patrick just sat next me and petted the dog then gave me a kiss on my cheek I blushed " I heard you growl at school your cute when your jealous " I blushed darker " shut it man " I laid my head on Patrick's shoulder and he laid his head on my head lovingly holding me close our hands intertwined as we watched the dog run around happily. 

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