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Patrick pov

A boring day I have to spen alone belch went to work, vic is out of town visiting his aunt and uncle, and Henry said he's dad is making him work on the farm all day I offered to help but he said do I look like a fucking princess I said yes that earned me a punch to the stomach. Man I'm bored my friends are busy and the others are busy too damn lonely hockstetter I let out a sigh as I walked around Derry humming pretty little psycho for some reason it made me think of Henry I heard a growling sound from my stomach I'm starving I looked around for a place to eat only to find a nice little cafe sitting at the corner of a street I can grab something there so I walked inside everything look so calm I quickly noticed the girl workers wore a short black and white dress, a little red tie , a striped white high knee socks wow that's a huge turn on I kept my eyes on the girl workers and flirted every chance I got but I heard a familiar angry voice i slowly turned around meeting the eyes of Henry fucking bowers holy shit he wore the same dress as the girls but the socks were red so was the dress and the god damn tie was black I think I got a boner oh well I'll fix it later. With a smile I said " excuse me waitress are you going to take my order sweetheart? " Henry glares at me and walked over to me " the fuck are you doing here hockstetter " he growled at me " so you uh done with working on that farm baby? Also nice outfit can you wear it tonight kitten?" I smiled while I grabbed his thigh god I want to slam him down in this table and fuck him in front of all these people but he slapped my hand away " they ran out of the men's clothes so I have to wear this shit and fuck no dickhead! " he glares at me " this job is just for extra money and no I have to work on the farm after my shift " he took out a notepad and a pencil " anyway what do you want?" I chuckled " well I want you in my bed tonight kitty " I noticed the blush on his face how cute " knock it off with the pat names asshole " I grabbed his thighs again and pulled him towards me and whispered in his ear " be a good kitty sugar baby or I might have to show you how weak you are against me you little bitch " I grabbed his tie and tightened it I smiled when I heard a small gasp from his perfect lips " I'll get a sprite honey and I think I'll get a slice of that apple pie " he nodded and written my order on the little notepad I slapped his ass again a small gasp escaped his lips I couldn't help but lick my lips as I watched him run to the back my smile grow bigger.

Henry pov 

Fucking pervert touching me then threatens me I gripped the glass in my hand as I filled the cup up with sprite I checked over the order ok next is the apple pie the minute I walked towards the apple pie in front my eyes met with Patrick's i mumbled under my breath carefully cutting the pie I have no idea how big he wants it so I cut a big piece for the fucking skinny asshole. I carefully grabbed the place with the apple pie and the sprite as I walked over to Patrick he pulled me close to him his head pressed against my chest since I was smaller in height than him I carefully put the food down on the table Patrick grabbed my thigh again. I see how the girls felt in class I'm not even a girl I'm a fucking guy I'm at my limit and I yelled at Patrick " I'm a guy I have a dick and balls I don't have a fucking pussy faggot! " then I walked to the back quickly changed into my normal clothes and left. 

Patrick pov 

I watched Henry yell at me my smile didn't leave my face and asked for my pie to be taken to go while I waited for my pie and drink I thought about how am I going to get Henry smirking I know his dad won't mind if I stop by the dick doesn't even go into his barn so perfect place to fuck. I grabbed my pie and drink then walked to Henry's house while I ate my pie happily. 

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