Art class part 2

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Patrick POV 

~ at Patrick's house ~ 

" you're so beautiful Henry " I said as I gently caressed his thigh but Henry slapped my hand away " just paint hockstetter " Henry growled I shrugged and went behind my canvas biting my lip as I picked up my paint brush " Henry give a pose that you won't move " Henry looked me with annoyance then say in a chair one leg over the other his long white dress moved up showing his legs. 

The white dress outlined his feminine body his black gloves that meet with his elbow still matching his white dress and white pearl necklace. He looked so beautiful, so innocent, so real but I know Henry isn't one of those I chuckled " what are you laughing at? " he said turning to look at me " hey! No moving Bowers! " he turned his head watching tv since it's going to be a long long day. 

Henry held a old time looking cigarette to his lips but it wasn't light at least not yet I started a paint my gorgeous Henry " stop moving Henry " I said looking over my canvas at Henry " shut up hockstetter this stupid dress is rubbing against my nipples " I couldn't help but look at the nipple pressing against the soft fabric the other nipple was covered by the crinkles on his dress. " don't worry I'm almost done anyway " I made sure to add the exposed nipple because why not? 

I set the painting on the white sheets on the floor and picked up a half done painting " alright Henry strip " I said as I cleaned my brushes " fine " Henry said taking every piece of clothing on his small feminine frame I looked Henry up and down taking in his whole body " stop starting hockstetter " I blinked a few times and looked at the canvas i started to finish my painting. 

Carefully painting Henry's chest " are you done Patrick? " I added the a few details on Henry " almost " I pecked over the canvas " spread your legs a bit " I saw Henry hesitate but spreads his leg a little bit " thanks " I went back to painting " whatever " Henry said with annoyance causing me to smile. 

After I was done painting I walked in front of him caressing his thigh" so beautiful so real " Henry looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes " shut up I know you don't think I'm real " true but you feel real " you don't know what I think " I said as I gently stroked his cheek he let out a soft moan my hands went down to his back me had a uncomfortable sound as my rubbed his back gently " you're so tense Henry " he said something I didn't hear so I shrugged and leaned down kissing him. His arms wrapped around my neck kissing me back his legs held tightly onto my waist as I carefully entered him soon as he got adjusted to my size but I got impatient and started to thrust roughly into him he let out a loud moan as continued to thrust rough. 

His nails dig into my back " s-shit Henry~ you're so tight~ " Henry moaned in reply " a-ah~  Patrick~ " I smirked while thrusting into him as hard as I could by the sounds of his moans and gasps he can handle it just fine. I laughed " s-shut up hockste-ah!~" that was easy I laughed to myself. I continued to thrust into him " f-fuck Patrick~ " god he's so vocal I love it! After a few minutes Henry came with a loud moan I followed after him then pulled out and laid onto my bed Henry laid next to me panting heavily " I hate you Patrick " he said between his panting " I love you too honey " I said kissing his temples then we both fell asleep cuddling. 

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