Asylum part 2

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( yes I know the first one just mentioned Patrick but this one will have them together if not I'll add a part 3 if I have too just to satisfy you guys ) 

Henry POV 

I sat in my bed counting the lights as they went out they help me keep calm when they all went out I laid down staring at the ceiling remembering everything I did from birth to now I wanted to cry but I just can't I miss my old life why? Why is this happening to me? Why?

~ flashback ~

I stood behind the outcast with a rock in my hand this is for the rock fight motherfucker I hit him over the head with the rock I was about to bash his head in when I hear the rest of the losers from the well I stalked towards the well laughing Strangingly I sound like a fucking sheep the fuck? Oh well I looked down at them with a crazy look on my face I was covered in blood while they were staring at me scared I grabbed the rope and pulled it up they tried to grab the rope but too late once the rope was fully pulled up I threw the rope somewhere in the room I stalked towards mike " you didn't listen to me did ya? You should have stayed out of Derry you're parents didn't now look at them I still get sad every time I pass by that pile of ashes " I smiled " sad that could have done it myself " suddenly he tried to grab the gun from the floor and rushed over and wrestled him for the gun it was easy to overpower him I pinned his hands down with my legs I grabbed the gun and put it to his forehead we stared at each other only angry flowed through my body before I could have pulled the trigger mike pushed the gun away surprising me I missed I growled in angry but mike hit me in the head with a rock causing me to fall back with a grunt we both got up I heard yelling coming full speed towards me I turned around facing mike when I did he pushes me my back hit the well making me fall backwards as I fell into the well I screamed and hit my head causing me to pass out.

~ an hour or two ~

I woke up in water I burst up gasping for air looking around I realized I was in the barrens surrounded by water and dead bodies I got up and walked back home I lost my sanity, my switchblade and the losers damn it! I noticed cops and an ambulance in front of my house two guys are carrying my dad's dead boy on a stretcher suddenly I was on my knees " no I'm not done yet! I have to kill them all! " one cop punched me in the face and the one that was holding me down grabbed me by the hair and shoved my face into the ground the cop that punched me in the face started to read my rights but one thing caught my attention a red balloon floating in the air I smiled as the cops arrested me I didn't care as they took me to the asylum I laughed the whole way " the fucking clown will come to get me out! " the cop looked at me and replied " shut up Bowers " I laughed in delight I looked out the window a red balloon followed me from the car to my new room I waved st the balloon when I reached my room I looked around but nothing was there I frowned feeling abandoned but I pushed that thought out of my head and I waited for the clown to get me.

~ flashback ends ~ 

I was 16 when that happened now I'm 19 I feel lost I don't know what to do how long I have to wait sadness rose inside me suddenly I heard something under my bed " the fuck was that?" I carefully got out of my bed slowly I got on my hands and knees I lifted the blanket up nothing was underneath my bed " what?" I let go of my blanket and got up " Henry " I know that voice it's Patrick! I turned around face to face with patrick fucking hockstetter! Holy shit! " Patrick you went missing I missed you a lot " I hugged him tightly and cried into his chest he hugged me back " I know but I'm back now Henry " I smiled but I still cried he rubbed my back gently and we kissed.

No one POV 

Patrick and Henry shared a kiss but Henry unknowingly kissed a zombie Patrick while Henry was on his killing spree Patrick died at the hands of pennywise and pennywise is just playing with Henry's sanity. 

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