Private messages

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Patrick POV 

I stared blankly at my assignment in front of me " I don't know this shit " I mumbled then drew a large question mark on my paper I slipped my hand in my desk pulling out my phone. 

Kitty bowers🍑😍: Pat where are you? 

Me: English in hall 200 why? Do you miss me 😘 

Kitty bowers🍑😍: hell no🙄 

Kitty bowers🍑😍: just meet me in the bathroom I need you 

I smirked then looked away from my phone raising my hand " yes Patrick? " the teacher asked looking at me. I put my hand down " may I go to the bathroom? " she looked at me with  annoyance " go quickly " I smiled and put my phone in my pocket then hurried to the bathroom. Once I made it to the bathroom I waited for fifteen minutes but he never showed up I pulled out my phone. 

Me: where are you babe? 

Kitty bowers🍑😍: the bitch wouldn't let me go 

" damn it! " I growled but an idea came to mind causing me to smirk I rushed into a stall closing and locking the door. 

Henry POV 

I tapped my pencil against my cheek when my phone lit up " what now? " I lifted up my phone a text from Patrick one photo attached? The fuck is he sending me? I opened the message immediately I blushed a new shade of red and slammed my phone down onto the desk " Henry are you ok? " Vic leaned over to me asking " y-yeah " I said still blushing. 

I lifted up my phone staring at a picture of Patrick's boner causing me to blush underneath the picture was a winking face. 

Me: Patrick! What the hell!?

Pattycake🍆: what? You love my dick plus you needed me so bad 😏

Me:  not what I meant! 

Me: I meant the fucking test not your dick you disgusting bastard 

Pattycake🍆: whatever baby bowers 

I blushed even redder I hate that bastard he always knows how to make me blush " Henry put your phone away and finish your test " the teacher said I put my phone in my desk then looked at my test " fuck " I mumbled picking up my pencil still thinking about Patrick  and his picture I'm failing this test. 

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