Trick or treating ( Halloween special)

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( this is a crossover of children of the corn but Malachi and Isaac are young. Malachi is 7 years old and Isaac is 5 years old also keep in mind I aged Isaac up so him and Malachi are 2 years apart also happy Halloween I hope you all enjoy Halloween sorry this story is rushed ) 

Patrick POV 

I heard running  then the squeaks of the stairs " dad! " Malachi yelled with a smile he wore a fox costume while holding a pumpkin bucket " hey little fox " I smiled and picks him up " ready to see your friend Isaac? " he smiled and nodded. Henry came walking down the stairs with a bowl filled with candy " aww just for me " I got up from the couch and picked up Malachi then reached for a candy but Henry slapped my hand away. 

" not for you asshole " Henry growled " I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek " yeah yeah I'm the asshole " I smiled Malachi clapped his hands " can we go dad!? " we looked at Malachi " yeah " Henry put down the bowl and zipped up his hoodie then zipped up mine.  We walked down the street Malachi has a big smile on his face " dad hurry before the good candy is all gone! " Malachi said pulling my arm " hold on little fox " Henry said as we walked up to Vic's house. 

Henry POV 

Malachi ran ahead of us and rang the doorbell....a lot I sighed as the door open " Isaac! " Malachi almost screamed " Malachi come help me with my costume " Isaac said Malachi nodded and run upstairs to Isaac's room. " victor? Belch? " we walked inside Vic and belch tiredly looked at us " hey guys " they said rubbing their eyes " whoa you guys alright?" I asked " yeah just Isaac is a handful " Vic said with a chuckle belch smiled. 

Isaac POV 

We ran past my parents to upstairs " hurry Malachi " I demanded as I ran upstairs Malachi following close " I'm coming Isaac " he responded with a smile. Soon as I closed the door Malachi pulled out paper and markers I grabbed a black marker and started to draw the him from my dream Malachi drew a corn field. The floorboards creak towards my room I quickly snatched Malachi's paper and shoved our papers under my bed Malachi grabbed my costume which was just a sheep I quickly put on my costume. 

" aw look at you two " my dad said holding a camera we smiled as dad took pictures my mom fixed my hood and bow tie. Dad took a lot of pictures of us then left I closed the door  then ripped off the bow tie " Malachi I hate this stupid costume " Malachi chuckled. 

" Isaac! Malachi! Come down here! " mom said we both ran downstairs with buckets " yes mommy? " I asked " time to go trick or treating " mom said we both faked smiled and ran outside " hurry! " 

Vic POV 

I watched my baby boy ran outside we followed after them " kids slow down " I said they looked back at me and slowed down aw! Isaac's little tail my baby sheep so adorable! I quickly turned my attention to belch, Henry and Patrick we talked as we walked down the road. 

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