Confession part 3

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Patrick POV 

I watched Henry and some fucker cuddle on the couch " Vic who's the fuck cuddling Henry " Vic look at the guy then at me " Henry's boyfriend Daniel " holy fuck! Henry got himself a boyfriend unbelievable well I guess I should tell that fucker who Henry belongs to. I walked over to Daniel with a fake smile " hey man can I talk to you " both Henry and Daniel looked at me but Henry glares at me only caused me to smile bigger " yes sure " Daniel said as he got up Henry let out a whine that caused Daniel to kiss him disgusting. 

That's fine I'll just wash Henry's mouth and his whole body little brat. Me and Daniel walked into the rehearsal room I hummed softly as I grabbed the mic from the stand belch started to play a steady beat Vic played along with my bass and Daniel leaned against the wall confused. 

I slowly swayed my body with the beat still humming. 

Ooh I fucked a girl's titties!
Ooh I fucked a girl's titties!
Ooh I fucked a girl's titties!
Ooh I fucked a girl's titties!
Ooh I fucked a girl's titties!
Ooh I fucked a girl's titties!
Ooh I fucked a girl's titties!
Ooh I fucked a girl's titties!

I looked over at Henry and smiled evilly the slow realization appeared across Henry's face it's cute.

Oh I'm sorry man, I didn't know!
JK, JK, I knew all along!
And she's sucking on my hose
I go twelve inch deep in the pussy
After twenty minutes you can drive a fucking Jeep in the pussy
Know what I'm talking 'bout?
Smack her in the pussy
When I pee it burns
Let it burn like George Bushy
I regret to inform you I fucked your girl's pussy
Man I swear I didn't know
JK, JK, JK, JK I knew all along!

Henry gave a warning glare in return I blew him a kiss Daniel still locked confused I rolled my eyes I shoved Daniel and jabbed him in the chest.

I just fucked your girl before this song
And I know it's kind of wrong
When she's sucking on my dong
And she's so fat like a land whale
Uh, shoot that poon with a harpoon
Yeah, I just wanna lick a whale in the fucking whale pussy
That's why I fucked your fat girlfriend you fucking nerd!

Henry definitely wasn't fat he was thin but not as thin as I am that's for sure I ran my hand down Henry's side to his hip and kicked the back of his knees causing him to fall onto his knees. He looked up at me angrily I couldn't care any less so I grabbed his hair and pulled his face towards my crotch roughly slight blush spread across his face. 

But she's so nice
But she's so nice
But she's so nice
But she's so nice
But she's so nice
But she's so nice
She's so nice
She's so nice
She lets me use her body
But she's so nice
But she's so nice
But she's so nice
But she's so nice
But she's so nice
But she's so nice

Daniel looked at me with a angry look finally understanding what I'm saying. We glared at we each other my hand never left Henry's hair so he's on his knees in front of my dick with a bright red face he looked so cute like this. 

Yeah, treat her like a bitch
I fuck her in the ass and I fuck her in the tits
If she can handle that then I'll let her suck my dick
And her man is coming back so I better make it quick
Yeah, you know who you are you piece of shit
Your girlfriend's always sucking on my dick like a Slim Jim stick
So next time you go down on her clit
Tell me how my dick tastes
Tell me how my motherfucking dick tastes

I smirked at Daniel while stroking Henry's hair gently. 

But she's so nice
But she's so nice
But she's so nice
But she's so nice
But she's so nice
But she's so nice
I treat her badly
But she comes back, every time
It goes to show
That none of these hoes
Are worth a dime
But she's so nice
But she's so nice
But she's so nice
But she's so nice
But she's so nice
But she's so nice

I watched Daniel rush out of the rehearsal room Henry tried to pull away but I gripped onto his hair which caused him to stop moving he laid his head on my leg as I stroked his hair. I heard the door slam shut that's when I knew Daniel left for good I smirked and said softly " he's mine ". 

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