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Henry pov 

Raw rage flowed through my veins as I followed Bill that stupid fucking pansy! As I pushed people out of my way earning me names but those just bounced off of me I watched bill run into a funhouse. A funhouse? Who the hell does he think is chasing him? A fucking toddler you out did yourself bowers chasing a studdering bitch through a fucking funhouse I wonder if Patrick would enjoy this maybe.

I watched bill try to get past the swanning clowns I got past them with ease I followed him into a mirror maze I lost him pretty quick " shit " I put my hands on the mirrors trying to make my way out of here but I can't " where the fuck is the exit?" I turned around my hand touched the mirrors that surrounded me " I'm trapped " angrily I punched the mirrors but they didn't break not even a crack " fuck."

I turned around to be face to face with Patrick but when I first saw him. He's just as fat as ben but paler then him his short black hair matched his eyes. He held my switchblade I looked away from him but I still see his reflection in the mirrors I saw the same smile " what's wrong bowers? Scared?" I didn't reply I just shook my head " don't lie " I looked up another Patrick stood in the mirror like the first Patrick but he's the now Patrick. He's tall, skinny, long black hair like his limbs he wasn't the short fat kid but they are still the same.

" Hey Henry " i looked down refusing to look at them they both said " aww don't be mean bowers look at us now " I looked up at them but I didn't see the younger Patrick just Patrick I think but he wasn't the same when I first looked at him he was dead. " like my new appearance you did it to me " tears ran down my cheeks " n-no it wasn't my fault "  Patrick wiped my tears " then I'm sure this isn't your fault " I looked up at Patrick he pointed behind me. 

I looked behind me my eyes widened " victor? Reginald?" I saw their necks a long slash ran across their necks blood dripping from the wound " you did this to us Henry " Vic said with a mixture of anger and sadness in his voice " why? I thought we were friends but you fucking killed us to make a damn clown satisfied!? " the calmness of belch's voice changed into yelling I feel to my knees crying " boys your hurting his little feeling " I looked up at Patrick " he can't do shit now " before I could say anything all three pointed up I looked up to see what they are pointing at. My eyes meet with pennywise's eyes fear slowly rose inside me he smiled holding a red chain " Little Henry~ " my eyes followed the chain it stopped at my neck "henny bowers~ " pennywise hanged upside down in front of me we started into each other's eyes. " I'm very disappointed in my pet so my pet deserves to be locked up " pennywise said smiling " what do you mean? " it's smile grew suddenly the mirrors shattered around me I quickly covered my face as the glass fell onto the floor once I moved my hands Patrick grabbed my arm pulling me through a shattered mirror I landed in a small tiger cage Patrick laid in front of me smiling at me I didn't say anything but moved back slightly until the collar around my neck pulled onto my neck what have I done? 

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