Messages part 2

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( I'm doing this because I didn't want to finish my three drafts I apologize but I will finish them soon also I'm changing the bowers gang chat to messages )

Patrick POV

Babe🖕🔪💗: where the fuck is my knife?👿

Belch🚗👼: I saw you with it yesterday with it how did you lose it already?

Twink🤓🤘: Patrick had it last 

Me: what ? Me? No never 

Babe🖕🔪💗: han solo bitch where is it? Oh never mind I found it damn clothes

Me: if you asked I could have help you with your clothes 😉

Babe🖕🔪💗: shut up!

Twink🤓🤘: guys please stop...

Vic POV 

Bowers👿: I'm fucking bored as hell where the fuck are the losers when you need them 

Me: probably in their lame ass club 

Baby boy👼🚗💗: if they wanted a club I'll club them 

Me: congratulations belch you made a lame joke 

 Cockstetter🖕: isn't the first time 

Bowers👿: you two being dicks to our driver and muscle even if he does have meat for brains

Baby boy👼🚗💗: yeah wait... All of you are assholes 😡

Henry POV

Vic😒🖕: guys my parents are leaving tonight wanna come over?

Pattycake 😈🔪: no I have more important things to do

Huggins🚗🤘: henry?

Pattycake😈🔪: nope he's not that important

Me: bitch! 🖕🖕

Pattycake😈🔪: I'm kidding hen you're the most important thing in my teen world

Me: I'm about to kick your ass hockstetter 

Vic😒🖕: belch?

Huggins🚗🤘: sure 😆😊

Me: I can't I have to kick Pat's ass and my old man won't let me out until I'm done cleaning so actually maybe 

Vic😒🖕: cool 

Belch POV ( private message)

Criss💗💗: hey Reginald  😘

Me: hey baby Vic😍😋

Criss💗💗: date night?

Me: yes! And maybe I can get you in the back of my car😘😉

Criss💗💗: fuck yes! Before or after dinner?

Me: both~

Criss💗💗: sounds like a plan😍 see you tonight💗😚

Me: you too😚

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